High Hopes

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Hey Guys, Double update! YAY!!!

Hope you enjoy it!



After Ming understands, he can't believe how he almost lost the man he loves to a social climber; rage is the first thing Ming can feel, he is angry at himself, at Wayo, and even at Phana. When he left the cafe and rushed to his car. he drive like a maniac; he needed to reach The Atas before Phana is seated, and when Ming look at his watch its 15 minutes before 7 PM, and he was stuck at the uptown, Sunday night was hell in the uptown; the time when people get back from the mall to their home, plus its valentines day night "is this west Hollywood ON HALOWEEN NIGHT?!" scream Ming frustrated from the driver seat. 

"I want you to close The Atas," Says Ming through call, he dials his personal assistant when he realizes he can't make it on time "just do it, call the owner, call the chef, bought the hotel, bought the restaurant, call the palace, ask the president to close it, just do it" he adds "I have something to say to Phana privately"


"I already close The Atas" Ming's assistant says after he greets Ming at the lobby and leads the way towards The Atas "I say a celebrity will come, so they prepare a private area for doctor Phana"

Ming nodded "Thanks, Bjorn," thank Ming "he must've hated me if he knows I close the entire restaurant just for him"

"Is he here?" asked Ming to his assistant 

"Yes, sir," says Bjorn "He arrived at 6.57" he adds, Ming looked at his watch its almost 7.45


when the elevator reaches the 57th floor, the door opened and shows the restaurant entrance with a maitre d' are standing, Ming just walked in and left his assistant at the front; before he leave he makes eye contact with Bjorn signaling that Ming will be going to Phana and let Bjorn make the order.

"Phi..." called Ming when he reached Phana 

"Ming!" Phana started, he taught it was Wayo, but when he looked back it was Ming "why are you here?" he asked

"I came to pick you up" stated Ming

"You haven't got home?" asked Phana after he realized Ming was still in his afternoon dark green crewneck sweater and white pants with black belts. 

He can see how Ming is stressing out, maybe something happens when Ming is gone; Phana thinks, he can see how Ming's sweaters are wrinkled and his hair are messy. Phana pulled Ming to sit next to him and when Phana stands he get closer to Ming and fixed Ming's hair. 

"Perfect?" asked Ming


"C'mon, let's go back home" Ming offer after he stands and gave Phana his hands 

"I'm waiting for Wayo" he replied, "you know that, right?"  Phana confirmed

"I know" Ming smiles and answers, "I asked you yesterday" he adds; "He is not coming," tells Ming after a while

"He will" Phana assured "It's the day" adds Phana

"He will not" Ming speaks

"No, he will" Phana urges "It's the day, it's his birthday, he always came here"

"Oh please, Phi" Ming says while he rubbed his forehead "Please, don't be that kind of guy, phi" 

"What kind of guy?"

"THIS!" Ming shouted and pointing his whole hand towards Phana "such a hopeless guy, waiting for someone who will not coming" he explains

 "Ok, I know you stress out, but that doesn't mean you can be such a mean person," says Phana referring to what Ming shouted earlier

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