Hopelessly Devoted To You

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Hey Guys, sorry for being gone for a month

Hope you enjoy it!



"Are these your doing?" texted Ming to Phana.

It was the first day Ming returned to his office after spending 4 days on a business trip to Vietnam just 3 days after the day he brought lunch to Phana last Monday. with the text, Ming attached an image of some painted glass art pieces scattered across Ming's office garden; some of it, was an image of a full-body painting of a girl playing with a kite, and some were just head paintings hidden behind the bushes.

"Yes," answered Phana "aren't they cute?"

"No, they aren't" Ming replied, and just like that, when Phana read it, he instantly dials Ming "Yes, phi?" says Ming when he answers the calls 

"You hate the art?" confirm Phana

"I'm not hating it" Ming answered "It's just creepy"

"What so creepy about it?

"For a start, I am here, alone in the office," Ming says "this room is almost 100 sqm big, I am alone in here, and suddenly there they are, kids painting" he adds "and they are transparent, It's like I was haunted by a ghost"

"I asked him to have more vibrant color; so it can contrast with all the plants" Phana defends "second, and they are all smiling" Phana adds

"Yeah" Ming responded "And that makes it even creepier" 

"No, it's not"

"A headless figure. hiding behind bushes. smiling?" Ming emphasize 

"Fine if you hate it," Says Phana "then I'll ask them to uninstall it tomorrow"

"wait.wait.wait" Ming stopped Phana "why?" he was curious.

Yes, the art spooked Ming, but it never occurs to Ming to uninstall it, Phana had been waiting for 8 months waiting for the art to arrive in the country and it took nearly another 2 months for them to release from customs.

"You hated it" Phana says

"I'm not hating it" Ming opposes, he rubs his temple "you've been nagging about these arts since our trips to Tokyo" Ming explains

"I'm nagging because you asked me to design your office" Phana answers "Fine then, I won't be nagging anymore," Phana says; Ming can hear Phana's voice it's between mad, frustrated, or even disappointed. This morning when Ming says goodbye, Phana is all jolly he even says to Ming to 'enjoy the office'

Last year when Ming's father finally gave his approval to start transferring the power of the executive positions to Ming, he had to move to the new office. Previously he occupied the fifth floor of the Simon Daichapanya Building, a refurbished building made for sandcastles plus energy to the main tower; a 27-story 89 years old building. And since Ming loves his former office so much, he asked Phana to design the 23rd floor of the main tower,  the result, Ming loved it so much, Phana says it was inspired by the forest and the court of puri de Daichapanya.

"No, that's not what I meant," says Ming cheering up Phana, he felt guilty "I just don't want your hard work on my office to become useless," 

"Ok, then I'll nag you more" Phana responded bubbly

"wow that was easy," He muttered "I just wanted to tell you how I feel, not ask you to take it down" Ming finals "btw, It's almost 10, you didn't start your poly?" asked Ming 

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