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When Phana arrives at his apartment, he just expects a normal night. But turns out, when he arrives, it's almost 7 PM, and his house is dark, well gloomy with a dim ambiance. but one thing pays attention to him is he hears piano sounds; someone singing in there too, with a melody and lyrics he is familiar with. he takes one of the vases from the foyer tables and walks slowly to the family room where the piano was located, he is scared and grabs his phone wanted to call Ming just to making sure Ming is at home, because, between him and Ming, Phana is the only one who can play the piano. 

When Phana dials Ming's numbers he can hear the ringtone of Ming's phone from the living room. the piano is paused for a while and the ringtones stop ringing, and with that, the calls on Phana's phones also ended. 

The piano sound continues and now someone is singing alongside the melody

"Wonderwall?" asked Phana in his heart, remembering the 2012 London games closing ceremony, where Wonderwall was performed by Beady Eye. 

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
But I don't know how

"Ming?" Asked Phana, when he figures out who the man who plays the piano is, he walks closer to Ming and sits on the piano stool just right next to Ming

I said, maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my Wonderwall

"I don't know you played piano?" 

"I Just learn it"

"Really? that's already good" Phana praised Ming 


"Since when did you learn piano?"

"A year ago" Ming answers "My crush likes to play piano"

"He is?"

"Yeah, he played it beautifully" 


"so..., Wonderwall?" ask Phana

Ming nods

"Are you on heartbreak?" Ask Phana curious, this is the first time he hears Mingkwan singing so fragile 

"Kinda..." Ming answered quietly "he's dating another guy" after a few seconds of silent

there is just silence after Ming says that

"Mom texted me," Phana broke the silence "She says she sent klappertaart?

"It's in the refrigerator"

Phana walked away from Ming, going to the kitchen to look for some klappertaart, with MIng piano playing and chanting the same song, Phana felt calmer when he hears the sound than he ever does today. When Phana got back he brings a tray filled with a plate of klappertaart and two cups of coffee.

When Phana is seated on one of the long grey couches  in the living room, he seated and drinks a sip of coffee while looking at Ming's back, 

"Ming..." called Phana to Ming when he heard ming sings Wonderwall twice, and Mings ignores him "Ming..." Phana called again, and again he was ignores

Phana is standing and walks toward Ming, he stops Ming's fingers from pressing the keys 

"I got you klappertaart," says Phana when Ming moved his eyes from the piano to Phana "and coffee..." informs Phana to Ming, Phana takes Mings's hand and leads him to be sitting on the  couch,

Phana turns on the TV and looks for Wonderwall on youtube, he played the versions of Lesley-Ann Brandt when she starring lucifer, in there, she performs in a club with Piano as her company and the orange lights behind her. Reminded Phana of a perfect starry night. 

When phana is seated he crossed his legs and sits the tray on his lap, different from Phana who is facing Ming,  Ming is sitting straight facing the TV with his eyes focused on the TV, Phana has never seen Ming like this, tho they like their activities in silence, it just feels different, it reminded him when Ming and Kit are broke up.

"Ming..." Called Phana to Ming, and Ming just answer it with a simple "hmm?". 

Phana turns Ming's leg and body so they are facing each other, "So...how is he?"

"He is handsome.gorgeous.smart.funny" Ming describe "he knows me the best" Ming smiled when he pictured Phana on his head

"You love him that much, huh?" Phana confirms, Ming nodded "so what can I do for you?"

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Ming just says spontaneous, he smirks remembering his foolishness "no, you won't" 

Phana giggles, he remembers Ming saying that Phana reminded Ming of his crush "Yeah, I won't" Phana answers, he lays his arm on the back pillows and pauses, he looked at Ming "but, not because you were Don Juan, or you were some kinda sultan with your harem waiting for you, or you have a thousand body count you have, no" Phana paused again "but because you don't deserve a consolation prize, you deserve the prize, Ming" Phana stated while holding Ming's hand "you don't deserve someone who looks like him or someone who can pretend to be him, no, you deserve him or someone better than him" Phana adds "so just wait, will you?" Phana questioned Ming and Ming nodded "I am wishing you'll get the best, Ming, if one day they were broken up" Phana added "I am not hoping for them to break up," Phana corrected "but if they were, maybe that's the best time for you to chase him, but if they are not, then you will get someone better than him" Phana stated "Maybe the person after him? maybe he is the better one?" Phana shrugs his shoulders "maybe?" 

"Maybe," Ming says while looking at Phana's eye "I'm wishing you the best too, Phi." says Ming in his heart

"Oh yeah," Phana says when he remembers something, he walks away leaving Ming dumbfounded, he went to the foyer and picked up his clutch and some paper bag to the living room, "I want to give this tomorrow, but maybe this can cure your heartbreak." says Phana went he handover to Ming a small black paper bag.

"Tamagotchi?" Asked Ming after he finds out what's inside the bag, it's two boxes of Tamagotchi and also two beaded keychain that comes with Ming and Phana's names on them

Phana nods excitedly 

"You bought me Tamagotchi?" asked Ming and laughing, it's like his childhood toys "one for you and one for me?" says Ming when he handed Phana's Tamagotchi after he hooked the Tamagotchi to Phana's beaded keychain "let's play!" says Ming vigorously 

"You realize it's just Tamagotchi right? not some battle games"

"Oh, I know" 

"Then you don't have to be so happy"

"I always wanted a Tamagotchi buddy" answers Ming "and now, I have you, to be played with"

"Fine" Pha says


It was almost 7 PM when Phana woke up, he rushed to jump off his bed when he realized he missed his morning routine, he runs gets out of his room, and he was surprised

"I get you a croissant," Ming greets when he saw Phana coming out of his room



- August 2022

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