~Chapter 3~

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                                                                                     Sakusa POV

We stood in a comfortable silence for awhile. Besides all the yelling, booming music, and the slight smell of lust, it was beautiful out. Stars painted the sky, some stars shining brighter then others. The gentle breeze let the fresh smell of cherry blossom roam the air. Atsumu sat down in the middle of their yard and let out a huff. I glanced over and he patted the spot next to him. I gently smiled under my mask but shook my head. " I would love to sit with you, but there is...dirt... " My voice trailed off and I shivered at the thought. " Ah, my bad. " Atsumu mumbled.  I instead stood next to him looking at the starry sky. " Sakusa, whats your full name? " I was taken back at the sudden question. I cleared my throat. " Kiyoomi, Sakusa Kiyoomi. " I replied looking down at tsumu. He looked up at me and gave a soft smile. Gosh he looked perfect, every time he smiled two dimples formed in the middle of his cheek. We stared at each other for a moment, admiring on another. What is this feeling? I feel so warm and bubbly inside, my heart is racing...Is this what they call love?

" Like what ya see omi? " Atsumu teased as he wiggled his eyebrows. My face grew red at the nickname. "I- Omi?" I asked, baffled. " Mhm! Its your nickname~ " He gave a goofy smile as he rested his face in the palm in his hand. I narrowed my eyes. I was grateful it was dark out as I was convinced he could have seen my cherry red face. I looked away as a gush of wind blew on my face. I closed my eyes, enjoying the cool air on my face. I wonder what Atsumu's scent was like. Was it more sweet, or maybe floral? Why did he wear the collar? I stood there busy pondering, too busy to notice atsumu was asleep on the grass.

                                                                                    Atsumu's POV

" Mhm! Its your nickname~ " I sung giving omi the biggest smile I could. He stared at me for a moment before looking away. I closed my eyes as each gust of wind I was wrapped in Omi's scent. It smelt like eucalyptus and a hint of lavender. Soft purrs escaped from me. His scent was comforting, it felt like home. I soon fell asleep right there without even noticing.

I felt the suns rays beaming down on my face. I groaned as I slowly sat up, stretching my arms. I looked around, I was in my room. I frowned noticing Omi was gone and I didnt even get his number! I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I went to grab my phone but noticed a tiny piece of paper. " Hm? " I hummed and picked it up, bringing it closer to my face to read the tiny printing. ' Sakusa Kiyoomi, ********** ' My eyes widened. It seemed he gave me his number. I grabbed my glasses (Yes imma have him have glasses) and lazily put them on before punching his number into my phone.




Whos this?

Oh wait nvm, hey tsumu.

My face grew hot at the nickname. Everyone called me tsumu but for some reason it was different when Omi called me it.


Sorry I fell asleep last night, I hope I wasnt too much of a handful.


No your alright I didnt really mind. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime?

Omi, hanging out with me? What is this a dream?


Ya ofc! Will tomorrow work for you?


Yup, Ill pick you up at 3?


Sounds good~! :)


I was so excited for tomorrow, although what am I gonna wear? Maybe I should call Oikawa about that. I smiled to myself and stood up. Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever.

Ive been trying to add a new chapter every moment I get with breaks ofc! I hope you guys are enjoying this story ! I need some ideas for the future so lmk what u guys think should happen~ Bye for now~!


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