~Chapter 9~

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                                                                                   Atsumu's POV

I let the cool water run down my face. It was a relief to finally shower, I felt utterly disgusting. I exhaled and begun to wash my hair. Sakusa's shampoo smelt amazing, and so did his body wash. I would have never expected him to have such good taste. After thoroughly cleaning myself I stepped out, quickly grabbed the towel and wrapping it around myself. I dried off and put on the clothes Sakusa had given me to borrow. I walked out noticing him changing the sheets. " Oh jeez Omi I could have helped you! " I rushed over. " Its fine, I dont mind. " He softly smiled, ruffling my wet hair. He adjusted his pillows and comforter before turning to look at me. " Are you feeling alright? Do you need anything? " He questioned, worry covered his face. " No im fine, just a bit tired. " I yawned. " Lets take a nap shall we? " He said while tugging onto the bed. I nodded, letting him drag me on the bed. He carefully put us under the covers, then turned to face me. I closed my eyes as he cupped my cheek, slowly rubbing his thumb against it. Quiet purrs escaped as I moved in closer. Chuckles escaped Sakusa's mouth as he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me in. " Omi-kun? " I mumbled. " Hm? " He hummed, lifting my chin. " Your phobia...are you okay with this? " I frowned. " Tsumu, if I wasnt I wouldnt be doing this. " He pulled me closer, tightening his grip. My purrs grew louder. " Your purring is adorable. " He whispered, sending chills down my spine. His scent grew strong as he scented me. I whimpered, getting dizzy from the scent. Before I knew it I was asleep.

                                                                               Sakusa's POV

I laid there watching Atsumu sleep. He looked so peaceful. I rested my head on the pillow, inhaling Atsumu's wonderful scent. It seemed to be getting stronger as the pills wore off. The smell of honey mixed with the smell of eucalyptus creating an odd, but wonderful scent. Atsumu's eyes fluttered open. " Omi...The pill... " He whimpered, gripping onto my shirt. " On it. " I sat up, causing his grip to loosen. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed the pack, popping out a pill. I grabbed the water bottle and turned around. " Here. " I handed them to a sweating Atsumu and he happily grabbed them from my hand and took the pill. " Jesus I hate my heat. " He groaned, massaging his temples. " Are you sure you dont want me to go back home? " I asked, glancing over. " I mean if you want to, but if you are wanting to stay you are welcome to. " I explained. He gave me a look and quickly pulled me back down causing me to gasp. He then climbed ontop of me and just laid there. I laughed and patted his head. He just rolled his eyes and dug his head in the crook of my neck. Purrs vibrated my chest and I just rested my head back. Gosh I loved him.

Sorry this is such a short and shitty chapter, im exhausted and have had no motivation to continue this story. Im possibly thinking of discontinuing it. Idk what do yall think?


( 568 words )

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