~Chapter 6~

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                                                                                   Atsumus's POV

" Wow.." I was in utter shock. I stood there wide eyed as Oikawa smirked behind me. I did a twirl in the mirror as I admired my beauty. " God damn I look hot. " I blurted out. " Yea you do, and thats because of me~ " I rolled my eyes at his response. 

                                           ( Tsumu's outfit )

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                                           ( Tsumu's outfit )

" Does Osamu know about...all of this? " The energy in the room seemed to shift. Crap, I havent told Samu about Omi. " I...No, he doesnt. " I muttered, grabbing my phone. " You should proba- " " Ya should leave, Omi is gonna be here soon. " I interrupted. I was subconsciously letting out my pheromones. The room stunk of burnt honey, almost smelling like sour molasses. Oikawa just gave a nod and begun to collect his things. I bit my lip as I stared at me n Omi's texts. I heard the front door shut and I let out a breath I hadnt known I was holding. I hated that everything I wanted to do had to go threw Osamu first. I mean for gods sake im 23 I should be able to do what I want without my overly protective twin stopping me. I thoughts came to a stop when someone knocked on the door.

I snatched my wallet and glasses before bolting downstairs. I put my glasses on, brushed off my clothes and fixed my posture before opening the door.

                                                                              Sakusa's POV

I stood there for a brief moment before gaining the confidence to knock. I knocked three times before backing up a bit. I heard some muffled footsteps before the door swung open. Atsumu gave me a gentle smile as he awkwardly stood there. I just stared. I hadnt been able to get any words out. Jesus christ im whipped. " You look amazing. " I managed to say something. His face went red and he looked away. " I uh, thank ya. Yer look good yourself. " He stuttered glancing back at me. 

                                                      ( Sakusa's outfit )

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                                                      ( Sakusa's outfit )

I chuckled and pulled my hand sanitizer. I sanitized my hands and held some out for Atsumu. He gladly took some which shocked me a bit. We begun to walk to the side walk. " The bakery is only five minutes from here so I assumed we could walk there. " I said glancing at the flustered omega. He nodded avoiding any eye contact. I looked forward once again, my scent wrapped around the smaller boy but it seemed he hadnt mind. I smirked, it seems my pride is getting to me.

We had made it to the small bakery and were sitting down. Tsumu was glancing over the menu as I eyed any Alpha that looked his way. " Oo! Im so getting cheesecake. " He beamed, setting down the small menu. " I think i'll get a slice of chocolate cake. " He nodded and we sat in awkward silence. I wasnt really sure what to ask. " I'll go order. " Atsumu said breaking the silence as he arose from his seat. He made his way to the counter and I looked at my feet. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe he isnt interested in me. Ugh, I dont think sometimes. I rest my head in my palm when Atsumu came back and sat down. " So omi, tell me about yerself. " God did I love his accent. " Er well, I enjoy volleyball. I played back in highschool. I like the color green, and I enjoy cleaning and cooking. " I wasnt able to say much since I hadnt really known alot about myself. " Oo~ I played volley ball back in highschool also, I wonder if we played against eachother. " " Possibly, now tell me about yourself. " I leaned in a bit closer as he begun to ramble. " Well I lovee the color yellow, and bees for that matter. I love to bake, which works well since Osamu is more of a cook than I am. I enjoy to garden, it helps clear my mind. Oo! I also love fatty tuna~ Ugh I could so eat some right now. " He was practically drooling which made me laugh a bit. Our pastries came and we ate in a comfortable silence, once and awhile atsumu would begin a rant about something. I listened to every word which was unusual of me. Ugh, what is he doing to me to make me feel like this?

We both finished and the bill was brought to us. We had both reached out to grab the bill. My hand rested on his as we tried to grab the bill. We both looked at eachother for a moment, my stomach filling with butterflies as I was lost in his eyes. It felt like ages, I could stare at him forever. He was so beautiful, so kind, so understanding. He hadnt been like anyone else I have met. Realization hit us both and we pulled away. My cheeks were burning but I was grateful of the mask I had been wearing. I cleared my throat and grabbed the bill. " I will pay since I invited you here. " I stood up. "But omi! Let me pay ! I feel bad. " He protested, following me to the counter. I payed and walked out with a sulking Atsumu. " Its fine Tsumu, I didnt mind paying. " I reassured as we walked back to his house. " Yea but ya shouldnt have to pay for me. " He pouted, crossing his arms. I looked at him, he looked adorable. " Wipe that pout off your face. " He rolled his eyes and let his arms loose. Without thinking I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. He gasped and looked at me with worry spread across his face. " Omi yer phobia! " " Its fine, you sanitized earlier. " " If ya say so... " I just smiled and gently squeezed his hand. He looked up and gave me a small smile. Gosh I wish we could have hung out longer.

Before I knew it we were at his house. I walked him up to the door. " Bye Omi, I had alot of fun. We should hang out more often. " He sounded sad but covered it up with a weak smile. " I did too, take care Tsumu. " I said walking away. I felt his eyes on me for a moment before I heard his front door open then close. I sighed, making my way home. There is always a next time.

I rushed this chapter while chugging a monster, I feel great. I hope you all have a wonderful day~! I love you all and im very proud of you! You have a purpose in this world even if it doesnt feel like it. 


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