~Chapter 11~

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Atsumu's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I yawned. I glanced over my shoulder noticing Omi had already gotten out of bed. I sniffed the covers, Omi's scent was drowning in the sheets. I frowned, standing up and putting on my robe. I drug my feet downstairs.

" Whats that smell? " I spoke, sniffing the air. Whatever it was it smelt wonderful. I peered into the kitchen, notcing the one and only Omi-kun cooking something delicious. An idea popped into my head, causing me to smirk. I tip toed behind him, not making a sound while attempting to surpess my scent. I then quickly wrapped my arms around his waist, squeezing him tight as I let off joyful pheromones. " Goodmorning Tsumu. " He chuckled. " Wait I didnt scare you? " I whined, letting go. " You sound like an elephant when you walk, of course you didn't scare me. " He turned around to face me. A pout covered my face as he wrapped his arms around my slim waist, softly rubbing his hands up and down. " Oh come on, wipe that frown off you face. " He joked, pulling me closer. I turned my head away from him, trying to loosen from his grip. He chuckled, gripping tighter. " Omi let goo! " I whined, wiggling around. He just simply laughed at my attempt. In the process of this I felt a burning sensation on my hand. My eyes widned. " Ow! " I yelped, quickly pulling my hand to my chest. Omi's eyes widned. " Oh my god I forgot to turn the burner off, im so sorry Tsumu! " He quickly shut the burner off and drug me to the sink, turning of the cold water. He jerked my hand under the cool water. The burning slightly went away as the cool water calmed the burn. " Keep you hand under there, i, i'll grab some gauze and some vaseline. " He stammered, walking upstairs. I whined as the burning quickly got worse. I examined the burn, noticing curved lines, identifying the shape of the burner. 

Omi came down with the needed items in his hand, his phermones stunk of guilt and sorrow as he begun to bandage the wound. " Im really sorry, this is my fault. " " Omi its okay, accidents happen. " With my free hand I softly pat his head. He leaned into the touch as he finished bandaging the burn. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist once more. I rubbed my cheek against his, letting of calming pheromones. " Are you still wanting to go on that date? " He asked, pulling me closer. " Of course, I have been eager to see this surprise. " I chuckled. He hummed, carelessly inhaling my sweet scent. " Be ready by 7 alright? " I nodded, enjoying the moment.

I groaned for the tenth time. Me n Omi leave in an hour and I have no clue what to wear! Of course Omi already had an outfit picked out, and he look amazing as ever. Sakusa walked out of the bathroom, noticing the omega in distress. " Whats the matter? " He questioned, walking up next to me. " I cant find a good outfit! " I crossed my arms. " How about this? " He handed me a lilac sweater that had a white collar, and a pair of black ripped jeans. " Your a genuis! Thank you Omi~ " I purred. " Of course Tsumu. " He smiled, walking downstairs. I quickly changed, of course adding a pair of black cross earings and a chained necklace. I look at the outfit, pride beaming in my eyes. " Tsumu you ready? " Omi yelled from the stairs. " Yup! " I yelled back running down the stairs. Omi admired me as I put my shoes on. " Let go shall we? " I smiled, linking arms with Omi. " Lead the way~! " I exclaimed as we walked out the door.

( 681 Words )

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