~Chapter 5~

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                                                                                    Atsumu's POV

  ' Knock knock knock '  My head shot towards the door. Oh, right its Oikawa. I arose from my seat and made my way towards the door. I opened the door. " Tsumu~! " Oikawa exclaimed pulling me into a hug. The omega was slightly taller than me so I wrapped my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder near his scent glands. He did this same and we smelt each other and begun to scent one another. It was normal for omegas to do this as its instinctual. We pulled away, purring. He slid off his shoes and set them neatly by the front door before making his way inside. " Oo, did you make brownies? " Kawa practically drooled at the smell that lingered the house. " I sure did, after dinner we can have brownies and some vanilla ice cream. " I winked making my way to the kitchen. Oikawa dropped his bag and ran after me. " Wait for me !  " He whined as he caught up. I quietly laughed at his actions as I begun to make some rice. " I was thinking of making some curry, is that alright? " I questioned, glancing back at him as I added in the needed water. He gave me a smile and nodded. 

We had finished cooking and just finished eating. Oikawa was putting the leftovers away and cleaning up and excess mess as I did dishes. " We should totally have a spa night. " He suggested. " Sure, ive got some face masks laying around we could do. " I added. " I brought some nail polish. " He beamed. I just simply nodded and dried my hands off. 

We made it to my bathroom and were in the process of putting our hair up and out of our face. Oikawa hummed as he begun to apply his mask, I did the same. After about a minute we finished putting them on and cleaned up our mess. We made it back to my room and we plopped onto the bed. " So, at the party I saw Sakusa drag you outside. " He teased while grabbing the assortment of nail polish. I felt my face heat up. " He was doing me a favor of getting me away from all the Alphas and their nasty pheromones. " I explained, looking at the different shades of nail polish. " Mhm, you got his number? " He smirked picking out a pale teal like color. " Duh, he was hot why wouldnt I. " I rolled my eyes picking out a pastel yellow. Oikawa snickered as he begun to paint my nails. " Enough about me, how are you and your precious Iwa-Chan~ " I taunted. His face was painted red. " Good, we got a Apartment together. " He gushed. " Took ya guys long enough. " I scoffed. He rolled his eyes and blew on my nails.  I held them out to look at them. " Hm, not so bad. " I said admiring the beautiful shade of yellow. " I know I know, im just the best~ " He sung holding out his hand as an indication to begun on his nails. I hummed, taking his hand and begun to paint his nails.After a bit I finished. " There ya go dumbass. " I dramatically pushed his hand away. " Hey! Be careful of my nails! " He shrieked, glaring at me. I crossed my arms and smirked, narrowing my eyes. " Lets watch a movie and eat some brownies hm? " His eyes lit up. " Lets go! " He yelled practically dragging me out. (Yes they washed the face masks off their face I just forgot to add that part and now im to lazy to actually do so)

We had got our brownies and were cuddled up on my bed watching the Conjuring. It was like a tradition for kawa to come over and watch a horror movie in my room. We have done it every time for the past 2 years. I finished and set my bowl on my nightstand. I cuddled up closer to Oikawa and he held me. I yawned. " Awe is tsumu tired~ " Oikawa asked in a teasing matter. I simply ignored him and closed my eyes. My face was buried in the crook of his neck and I was taking in his soothing scent. He smelt of a field of flowers. I wasnt able to identify specifically what flowers, just a field of some sort. I let out a gentle purr as I soon fell asleep.

I soon awoke and noticed something wet on my face. I opened my eyes and touched my forehead only to realize Oikawa had drooled on me. I internally gagged and quickly rushed to the bathroom to wash my face. I scrubbed as hard as I could and splashed the cool water on my face. I heard footsteps near and was presented a messy looking Kawa. I bit my lip attempting to not laugh. His hair was an absolute mess, drool had dried up on the side of his face and it seemed he was upset about something. " Dont laugh. " He muttered, his voice groggy from just waking up. I begun to laugh my ass off. Oikawa was yelling at me to shut up but I physically couldnt. Tears formed into my eyes and my stomach ached from laughing so hard. I soon calmed down and wiped my tears. The back of my head was smacked but it was totally worth it. He pushed me out the bathroom and slammed the door in my face. I rolled my eyes and jumped onto my bed, grabbing my phone. 


Mornin omi-kun~




Still pickin me up at 3?




Cya then!


I was smiling like an idiot. " Who ya textin? " I jumped and looked behind me. " What the hell?! You scared the shit out of me!" I hissed, sitting up. Oikawa just laughed and nudged me. " Lemme guess your omi-kun~?" He smirked. " Yea, just confirming our plans. " I said while fiddling with my finger. " Oo, let me help you get ready! " He begged. I tapped my chin pretending to think as he gave me puppy eyes. " I guess. " I pretended to act bummed out. Oikawa just dragged me out of bed and to my closet. 

This is a longer chapterrrr! I hope you enjoy!! <3


( 1086 words )

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