~Chapter 7~

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                                                                          Atsumu's POV

I quickly shut the door and let out a sigh. " Where the hell were ya. " " WHO THE HEL- Oh...heh, hi Samu..." I rubbed the back of my neck, avoiding eye contact. He stomped over, immediately smelling around me. " You were with an Alpha werent ya, " He spat, pushing me away. " Hey wait I recognize this smell. " He looked me dead in the eyes and I gulped. " Ya were on a date with Sakusa werent ya. " I stayed silent. He grabbed me by my collar. " Why the hell were ya with him?! " He growled as my eyes filled with tears. " God dammit Samu why cant ya let me live my live without yer consent?! Yer not my father! " I yelled trying to push him off me. But due to Samu being an Alpha he had twice my strength. " Why Sakusa out of all guys?! He will hurt ya! " He screamed, his voice was shaky and he looked as if he was on verge of tears also. " No ya dont get it! Hes...Hes different! He cares, he tries his best for me, he... " Hot tears streamed down my face. Samu dropped me, taking a step back. " I dont want ya to get hurt...God dammit Tsumu thats my best friend. Why...Out of everyone why him?! " He clenched his fist. His face was red due to the anger, tears ran down his face, I have never seen him like this. " All my life I lived under yer rules, everything I did had to go threw ya first. I never had any freedom! The one time I dont ask for yer stupid permission ya... ya blow up on me! God dammit Samu whats wrong with ya..." The room stunk. The pheromones were suffocating, I could barely breathe. " I, I cant stay in this house any longer I think imma puke. " I plugged my nose and bolted outside. I could hear Samu yelling from inside, stupid Samu...Stupid rules. I ran. I ran as far as my legs let me. I wiped my tears but they kept falling. Just then I ran right into someone. 

I gasped and tightly shut my eyes waiting to fall. But I hadnt. I opened an eye noticing Sakusa holding me. " Omi?! " " Why are you out this late, wait are you crying? " He leaned in closer to get a better look at my face. I sniffled and tears once again fled my face. " Oh Tsumu its okay...Im here... " He whispered, pulling me into a hug. I held on the back of his shirt and just cried. Sakusa whispered sweet nothings in my ear as he played with my hair, releasing calming pheromones. After a while I calmed down and looked up at him. My eyes were red and swollen and snot covered my face. " Lets go back to my place and talk? " He asked in a soft tone. I just nodded and we walked in silence to his house.

We finally made it and I was sitting on his couch as he made us tea. He came back with two mugs and handed me one as he sat down. I took it and held it close to my chest, enjoying the warmth of the cup. " So, what exactly happened? " He asked taking a sip of his tea. " Me n Samu got into an arguement. He blew up on me because I hadnt asked to hang out with ya. Its so stupid, I have absolutely no freedom! " I yelled, taking an aggressive sip of the hot beverage. Sakusa seemed to ponder for a moment before he spoke up. " I had a feeling something like this would happen but...I didnt expect him to get this pissed about it. " I rolled my eyes. " Hes always been like this, ever since I presented as an Omega hes be overly protective of me. " Sakusa just hummed, taking another sip. " Im sure he is just worried about you. Give it time, im sure he will come around. " " Sure he will. " I scoffed, lifting my knees up on the couch. It went silent for a bit, only the sounds of cars passing and us drinking. I cleared my throat. " If ya dont mind, could I stay the night? Im not really in the mood to see Samu. " " Oh, yea of course. You can take my bed. " I looked over at him and furrowed my eyebrows. " Um no, ill take the couch, this is yer house after all. " Sakusa chuckled at my response. " Tsumu I dont mind sleeping on the couch, I do it often anyways. " " Whatever. " I huffed, standing up. " Here let me get you a shirt to borrow. " Sakusa stood up, setting his mug down on the coffee table and walked to his room. I set my mug next to his. He soon walked out, he changed into a t-shirt and sweats. " Here. " He handed me a shirt and a pair of sweats. " It may be a bit big, I tried to find the smallest pair I had. " I nodded. " Thank ya Omi Omi~ Goodnight! " I smiled, walking to his room. " Night Tsumu. "'

I closed the door and changed into the clothes. " Ugh these stupid sweats dont fit. " I whined, setting them on his dresser. I was now just wearing Omi over sized shirt and my boxers. I jumped onto his bed and snuggled under the covers. Everything smelt like him, it was as if I was in heaven. I purred and begun to make a nest on his bed just big enough for me to curl up in. I soon finished, admired my work, then curled up in my nest. I felt dizzy from Omi's scent but enjoyed every bit of it. I soon fell right to sleep.

Currently blasting California Girls as my mom tries to sleep. Anywho, ill try to post another chapter tonight! Love you all~


( 1034 words )

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