~Chapter 8~

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                                                                                    Atsumu's POV

                                                                         ( Slight Smut warning )

I was awoken with a pounding head ache. " Ngh... " I groaned, rubbing my temples as I sat up. I looked around unsure where I was. " Oh right, im at Omi's. " I slowly crawled out of the make-shift nest I made. My feet draped off the bed as I sat there for a moment feeling dizzy. I calmed myself and hopped off the bed and dragged my feet out of the room. I walked into the living room, rubbing my head. I turned the corner and noticed Omi reading. He had a mug of what seemed to be coffee in one hand and his book in the other. He had on a pair of glasses, he seemed peaceful. Out of no where pain ran threw my body, I fell to my knees and cried out in pain. " Astsu- " Sakusa's eyes widened and he covered his nose. The smell of sweet honey and lust filled the air, it was a horribly addictive smell to any Alpha. I begun to pant as slick ran down my thigh. Due to me not having pants on it just dripped onto the hard floor. Sakusa just stood there in shock, unsure what to do. " Atsumu your...your in heat dammit... " He muttered, trying not to breath in the intoxicating stench. " Ngh..Omi~ " I moaned looking up at him with teary eyes. His face went red and he looked away. " Shit... I cant call Osamu because he would beat my ass. " He groaned, shaking his head. " Omi please~ It hurts... " I whined, inching closer to him. I had no control over my body, the inner omega had taken over. " Shit I need to leave. " He bolted out the door. " Omi... " I sniffled, curling into a ball. It hurt so bad and it was so hot in here. I took the shirt off and quickly realized it smelt like Sakusa. I felt a gush of slick run down my leg, causing me to let out a moan. I then remembered the nest I made. I quickly made my way back to his room and crawled into the nest. Another wave hit me and I cried out once more. I needed some way of relief, just to last me till this wave was over. I pulled my boxers to my knees and stuck a finger inside of me. I moved my finger in and out but I needed more. I moaned as I added in another, quickening the pace. More slick ran down my leg, soaking the sheets. My back arched and I added in one more finger. Moans filled the room and the smell of honey covered every inch of the house. I pumped my fingers as fast as I could as I could feel I was close. With every thrust of my fingers I let out a hearty moan. My body twitched as I came, my heart was pounding as I was out of breath. I pulled my fingers out and quickly pulled my boxers up. Sakusa's bed was covered in slick and cum. I groaned as I let my body rest for its next wave.

                                                                                    Sakusa's POV

I ran outside as fast as I could. The smell was driving me crazy, I dont know how much longer I was gonna last. I sighed, rubbing my face. Ill just need to get him some heat suppressants and it will be fine. I pulled a mask out of my pocket and made my way to the closest convenience store. 

I walked into the small store and immediately went to the pharmacy area of the store. I walked down the first isle reading every bottles name. It took me about 5 minutes before I found a pack of the suppressants. I grabbed two of them and walked to the front to pay.

I made it back home and stood in front of the front door. I let out a breath, preparing myself for what I was about to see. I slowly opened the door and the smell of an omega's heat hit me. I gasped and quickly put on a second mask to help with the smell. I held my breath and walked in, shutting the door behind me. I took my shoes off and noticed Atsumu wasnt in the living room anymore. I froze. Shit was he in my room? I started to panic a bit but calmed myself as I made my way to my room. I gently knocked on the door and peaked in. My eyes widened and I coughed at the strong smell. " Shit tsumu, your smelling up the place... " I mumbled walking over to him. I looked at him and then my bed. Some sort of goo that was possibly slick covered the sheets and his lower half. Atsumu didnt look any better. He was all sweaty and red. His eyes were all puffy im guessing from crying. The poor thing looked exhausted. He looked over at me. " I would...advise you to leave the room soon...my next wave is gonna hit me any moment..." He said in between breathes. I nodded and handed him the pills and a water. " Here, I uh, got you some suppressants. " " Oh thank god. " He groaned, quickly taking one out and popping it in his mouth. He chugged down the water and let out a sigh of relief. " Im,so so sorry...I'll clean up your bed and head out. " He grunted as he stood up. "Oh no Tsumu dont worry about it. You go take a shower and ill clean this up. " I reassured, helping him walk to the bathroom. He just nodded and I turned the shower on for him. " Ill get you a towel and some clothes. " I walked out grabbing him a pair of new boxers and a shirt. I grabbed a towel on my way back. " Imma set the stuff on the counter. " I kinda yelled so he could hear me threw the running water. He hummed in response and I set the clothes on the counter and shut the door. 

This was my first time ever writing stuff like this so im sorry if its bad! And imma be busy these next few days. Love you all~


( 1066 words )

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