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     THE THREE GIRLS WERE TALKING IN THE POOL. As often, the main subject of discussion was Conrad. Eva glanced at Louis, Steven and Jeremiah who were talking further in the water and she met her best friend's gaze who gave her a big smile to which she replied before looking away.

"He didn't even get me a present this year." Belly said. "He said he forgot."

"What a little bitch."

     They looked over the three boys and Taylor smiled.

"We know you're gossiping about us over there."

"You wish!" Steven laughed.

"Oh! Let's play chicken!" Taylor gasped.

"No! Not chicken! I was like twelve the last time I played." Belly exclaimed.

"Oh come on, it will be hilarious."

"I'll play." Eva said.

"Same. Come on, guys." Jeremiah swam over them.

"Dibs on Jeremy." Taylor smiled.

"No way I'm playing this with Eva." Louis said.

"And why not, can I know?" his sister asked.

"We fight everytime we're playing together."

"Oh, great, that means I'm stuck with Eva." Steven said. "Taylor is so much lighter."

"I'm sorry? Did you just say I'm fat?" Eva exclaimed.

"No- I was not saying you're fat, I was saying you're muscular!"

"Yeah, yeah, fuck you, Steven." she said, upset.

     She threw water on him, still offended and Taylor said.

"You know what, let's just swip, go with Jeremiah."

"You're just taller than Belly and Taylor." Steven explained again.

"Shut up."

"Okay, Louis and Steven first."

     Jeremiah and Eva took a step back while their friends were going down the water to take the girls on their shoulders. The boy glanced at her and noticed she was still hurt by Steven's words.

"Hey, listen." he told her, putting his arms aroung her. "Your body is beautiful just the way it is, you don't have to gain weight and you don't have to lose weight to feel better, okay? You're perfect this way. Okay? You're perfect."

     She smiled sightly.

"Thank you, Jere."

     He smiled and kissed her forehead and she giggled while hugging him. They heard a noise which let them know that Taylor and Steven had lost.

"Can you stop flirting with my sister and come to play with us?" Louis called his friend.

     Eva rolled her eyes and they took place in front of their friends. Jeremiah put his head under the water and she sat on his shoulders. He put his hands on her thighs so she wouldn't fall and came back to the surface. His hair stuck to his eyes and Eva laughed as she ran her hands over his face to pull them away.


"All right, three, two, one, go!"

     The boys approached and the two girls started pushing each other, laughing. The two boys imitated them, each trying to destabilize the opposing team. Their two friends cheered them on and commented on the fight. After a few seconds, Eva pushed Belly, who fell backwards, dragging Louis with her.

"Yeah!" the brunette screamed, throwing her arms in the air.

     She clapped Jeremiah's hands with a laugh when a voice came from behind them.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Nicole!" Belly answered when the girl and Conrad entered the garden.

"Hey. Happy birthday, Belly. Are you guys playing chicken?" she asked, seeing Eva who was still on Jeremiah's shoulders.

"Yeah, uh, it was Taylor's idea." Belly replied.

"I'm Taylor." the blonde raised a hand.


"She's my best friend from home." Belly explained. "Just visiting for the weekend."

"That's cute."


     Eva put her arms over Jeremiah's head to lean on him. He was still holding her thighs and she wasn't complaining.

"Hey, you guys want to play a real game?" Belly asked.


"Attention!" Jeremiah screamed before dropping backwards, taking Eva with him in the water.

      They then set up the volleyball net in the middle of the pool and divided the teams into girls versus boys and started to play. Belly, Taylor and Eva on one side and Steven, Jeremiah and Louis on the other. Conrad and Nicole were chatting, sitting on the edge.

      Jeremiah slipped and missed the ball Eva had sent him, causing the girls to scream and clapped their hands.

"Boom!" she scoffed.

"Watch your mouth, I'll get you next time!" he exclaimed.

"You wish!"

      They played for a certain time but the game stopped earlier than expected when Taylor threw the ball in Nicole's head.


"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Taylor laughed nervously.

"Taylor!" Belly exclaimed.

"It was an accident."

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Belly asked Nicole.

"Yeah, no, I'm- I'm totally fine. You guys keep playing."

"Let me see it. Let's go inside." Conrad said. "I'll get you some ice."

"It's okay." Nicole insisted.

"I'm so, so sorry again, Nicole." Belly repeated. "Feel better, okay?"


"Come on, Belly. Conrad can take care of Nicole." Taylor said dismissively. "Let's go inside and look at ourselves in the mirror some more."

"What?" the boys didn't seem to understand, but Conrad did.

"Yeah. Have fun with that." he said before entering the house.

      Eva lowered her head, uncomfortable with the awkward silence it had thrown on everyone.

"So... maybe we should go inside and try to do something else?" she asked.

"Like what?"

"Just Dance?"

"Fine by me."

— i need a jeremiah in my life

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i need a jeremiah in my life

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