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     BELLY'S BIRTHDAY DINNER WAS GOOD. But the mood was kinda embarrassing.

"So Cam?" Jeremiah asked. "You mind if I call you Cam Cameron?"

"No, feel free." the boy laughed. "That's funny."

      Eva gave a soft laugh.

"Cam, I know your mom, Denise, from the club. I have heard a lot about you." Susannah said.

"Thank you so much for having me, Susannah. My mom says hi."

"Cam, have you guys ever had miyeok-guk before?" Laurel asked him. "It's a Korean birthday tradition."

"No. Looks so good. Thank you." Cam said.

"Belly told me you're a vegetarian, so I didn't put any meat in it."

"Why don't you eat meat, Cam Cameron?" Jer asked.

"Uh, the meat industry is, like, the number one contributor to global warming. And I just, I like animals."

"That's interesting." Eva said. "I mean, I already thought about becoming a vegetarian, but that's way much harder than it seems."

"You thought about becoming a vegetarian?" Steven asked her. "Man, I couldn't leave without meat."

"Me neither, that's why I didn't do it. But I'm a flexitarian, like I watch what meat and fish I eat and I reduce the amount, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, that's a good way to start." Cam told her. "And you don't have to be a vegetarian, like just be careful not to eat meat from slaughterhouses or something, that's already very good."

"Yeah, you think so? Cool." the girl smiled.

"You know, actually, Belly eats meat. So you let her kiss her with those lips?" Jeremiah insisted while Steven was laughing and Eva gave them a weird look.

"No, I don't judge people for eating meat. It's just like a personal choice, I don't care."

"So you don't mind if, uh, like, her lips touch a dead animal, and then those dead animal lips touch yours?" Jeremiah asked and Eva kicked him under the table. "Aouch!"

"No. I don't mind at all." Cam said. "In fact..."

     He leaned over Belly and gave her a soft kiss who made the moms chuckle. Jeremiah and Steven looked at each other and started pretend to throw up.

"All right, all right, Belly is allowed to kiss." Laurel told them. "But that's it." she said before laughing like if it was the funniest joke of the year.

"Mom, please. No, you're so not funny. No more wine for you, okay?" Belly grimaced.

"I'm sorry, I just don't understand how someone wants to kiss somebody who once fully shat in the bathtub." Steven said.

"I was like two years old!" Belly defended herself.

"Two? More like six!" Steven, Louis and Jeremiah said at the same time.

"Shut up, Steven!"

"I remember when I visited last summer and you, and you, and you" Taylor said to Jeremiah, Louis and Conrad "dared him" she said pointing at Steven "to pee in the fireplace and you stunk up the entire house for days. You remember that?"

     Everyone burst out laughing and Steven tried to defend himself.

"We were drunk. We were drunk!"

"On like half a White Claw." Eva added.

"She got you there." Jeremiah admitted.

"Mh, you know" Belly tried to change the topic "maybe we should go to Nicole's party."

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