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Again, I did not proofread this. Because I'm lazy, if there's any typo error or grammatical error, please point out. Thank you.


It's been almost two weeks since that day. Nayeon and Jinyoung had been the ones communicating to update each team on the situation.

Jaebum was still unconscious and Jisung's programming was still undone. Despite Mark's full trust in Sunmi, he was getting restless with the situation. There wasn't much improvement shown in Jisung's condition except for the fact that he stopped attacking them everytime he woke up. That made it easier for Mark and the others to feed him some water and liquid food.

"Bambam hasn't been eating much either. Bambam, our youngest, Bambam!" Nayeon sighed exasperatedly on the phone. "But Mark's the most worrying one..."

There was a long pause from Jinyoung's side of the phone, as if he's waiting for Nayeon to continue.

"He's not eating, not sleeping. I tried to drag him out for fresh air and even tried to force feed him but nothing helped! Sunmi's considering to knock him out, she even got a baseball bat ready."

A snort came from the other side of the phone which made Nayeon frowned.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." Jinyoung apologised after he composed himself; this is definitely not a time to laugh. "But I think he will be okay as long as you're by his side."

"How's everything there? Is Jeongyeon well?" Nayeon ignored what Jinyoung had said after a brief silence.

"How should I put it? After serving Jaebum, she now has to serve the princess too- Ouch!"

"Nayeon," This time, it was Jeongyeon's voice that greeted her. "Don't worry about us, we will be fine—" There was a slight pause as the woman took in a deep breath. "Yeah we will be."

Jeongyeon sounded more like she's convincing herself more than she's convincing Nayeon. However, if the latter noticed, she decided to not call her out. Instead, Nayeon assured her that they will be fine on her side too. After another short chat, both girls ended the call.

Jinyoung was staring at Jeongyeon after she ended the call with Nayeon. His previous cheeky look disappeared from his face. When their eyes met, he was the one who spoke up first.


"What-" Jeongyeon was obviously surprised by the sudden accusation.

"You weren't doing well at all." Jinyoung stood up and walked towards her.

Jeongyeon kept quiet this time, knowing fully well that Jinyoung's right. She's not okay, not at all. Jaebum's disappearance had caused an uproar in the company and there were all kind of rumours. She singlehandedly settled everything with the help of some Taecyeon's skill to bring all the articles down from the top search.

And then there's Jihyo.

She had always been treated like a princess with no worries. Now, she's stuck with them, wearing only casual cheap outfits and still a little traumatised from all the recent events. The news did not help either as she knew that the rumours were most likely spread by her father and Jaebum's uncle.

"Hey." Jinyoung's gentle voice brought Jeongyeon out from her thoughts. "You are not alone, you should know that. It's okay to rely on someone. I might not be any help as Junior but I'm Park Jinyoung, remember? I'm right here with you."

Jeongyeon finally smiled as they shared a gaze, a comfortable silence filling up the room. But that was soon interrupted by a knock against the door which caused both of them to turn their head.

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