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It took a while for Nayeon to calm down even when she's back onto the truck. Bambam had wanted to send her back home but she objected to it since she didn't want her family to worry.

Especially with all those injuries.

Jaebum and Jeongyeon was notified and out of concern, the two of them arrived at where the truck was parked. Despite Jaebum's cold appearance, he sat down in front of Nayeon the moment he arrived.

"This is why I told you not to run away." Being the type to not show his concern openly, that was the first sentence that came from him.

"But I didn't—" Nayeon muttered when she looked up at him; her eyes red from all the crying.

"Translation of what boss had said," Jeongyeon stepped into the truck's compartment and placed a cup of chilled bubble tea into Nayeon's shaking hands. "He was asking if you're okay. And, you love bubble tea right?"

Nayeon said nothing, surprised with both Jaebum and Jeongyeon. She remembered only telling Jeongyeon once that her favourite drink was bubble tea but she had never expected the girl to remember. Jaebum surprised her even more, she had never thought that Jaebum would ever worry about her.

"Jeongyeon, how's your mother?" Bambam asked as he looked up from a computer screen. Udon had needed some reprogramming because of the hacking earlier.

"Yeah," Nayeon finally spoke again. "You didn't have to come..."

"She's better now." Jeongyeon gave everyone an assured smile, specifically to Nayeon. "When Bambam called us about the situation, I couldn't just leave it like this. Right, boss?"

Jaebum cleared his throat awkwardly knowing that Jeongyeon had seen through him. He had always put up a cold and strong front but truth was, he had always worry about everyone in the team.

Yes, even Jinyoung.

Speak of the devil, the truck's back door opened again and to almost everyone's surprise, Jinyoung stepped into the small compartment.

"What?" He asked when everyone stared at him. "Bambam called me too and since my schedules ain't packed now, I skipped practice."

"How's our newest member's doing?" Jinyoung stepped forward slightly and stood behind Jaebum, right beside Jeongyeon. "It must been quite a fright."

Nayeon looked around at everyone; she had only wanted to answer Jinyoung's question but instead, she burst into tears again which made everyone flustered. Bambam stopped what he's doing, Jinyoung's jaw dropped; Jaebum blinked and turned to look at Jeongyeon for help but she was as lost as him.

Even Mark who was resting on the foldable chair opened his eyes.

"Jinyoung, you made her cry!" Bambam accused and got up from his seat, walking to Nayeon to give her head a few pats.

"Why is it always you?" Jaebum added on, a hint of accusation in his tone too as he grabbed a tissue and handed to Nayeon.

"All I did was ask a question!" Jinyoung got flustered at all the accusation then turned to look at Nayeon. "Nayeon, I'm sorry. Please don't cry anymore?"

Unexpected by everyone present, Nayeon giggled.

"I'm getting scared now." Bambam spoke quietly and shared a glance with Jinyoung. "Did she hit her head? Should we send her to the doctor?"

"No no." Nayeon shook her head and wiped her tears with a hand, looking up at everyone. "I just wasn't expecting everyone to be this concerned of me. I wasn't even supposed to be part of this and you guys know how much I complained. You guys should hate me. Heck, I thought Jaebum hates me."

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