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"Is everything true? Did you really try to kill Jaebum's father?" Jihyo stared at her father and took a few steps closer, a look of disbelief on her face as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Jihyo—" Jaebum was the one who reacted as he stepped aside from the table.

"I'm not asking you!" Jihyo screamed, her eyes still fixated on her father who still refused to answer her question. "Daddy, answer me. It's not true right?"

Park Sangwon sighed then finally looked up at his daughter.

"I wish you would never have found out—" Sangwon stepped closer to Jihyo and put his hand into his pocket.

Jaebum who was watching closely by the side widened his eyes at Park Sangwon's action and hurried forward, pulling Jihyo towards him at the same time as Park Sangwon took out his mobile phone.

"You really thought that I would hurt my own daughter?" Park Sangwon let out a dry chuckle as he tapped on his phone then looked up at them. "You are who I want to bring down, Jaebum. Jihyo will understand that what I'm doing are all for her own good."

"I don't understand!" Jihyo screamed and looked at her father again, her voice toning down again. "I don't understand at all, why do you have to do this?"

"It's for your own good, Jihyo." Park Sangwon stepped forward which Jihyo took another one back, not wanting to be near her father.

"I just want a peaceful life, not a father who's a murderer!" With that said, Jihyo ran out from the office. Jaebum was the first one to react. He turned to look at Park Sangwon with a cold gaze.

"If you've really loved your daughter, you wouldn't have done this." He said coolly before running out too, chasing after Jihyo.

Right after that, Park Sangwon's phone started ringing. Without even greeting after picking up, he only said kept his sentence short.

"Jihyo found out everything. Jaebum's with her."

"Jihyo!" Jaebum shouted, ignoring the looks from the employees from KC Telecom as the two of them ran pass them. "Park Jihyo, stop!"

Despite Jaebum losing his cool composure and shouting in front of everybody, Jihyo never stop running. Jaebum took bigger steps when he noticed the elevator stopping which Jihyo stepped in. However, Jaebum was quick enough; before the elevator's door closed, he used his arm to stop the door from closing and stepped into it.

"Leave me alone!" Jihyo tried pushing Jaebum out of the elevator but the door had already closed on them.

"Listen Jihyo," Jaebum grabbed both of her wrists and looked at the crying girl. "Now that you've found out, it's not safe anymore!"

"I don't care, then let them hurt me!"

"Stop being a fucking brat!" Jaebum cursed which managed to make Jihyo looked at him. Jaebum took in a deep breath and looked up, fifth floor. "Your father, my uncle and the CEO of Jinyoung's agency, they have a group and they are definitely not humans. They can hurt you if one of them make a command." Jaebum looked up again. "Once we reached the ground floor, don't leave—."

The elevator door opened right before Jaebum could finish his sentence and at that moment, the agitated Jihyo ran out.

"Shit, I just said—" Jaebum cursed and ran out at the same time. This time, he caught up to Jihyo right at the entrance of the building and before she could walked further away, Jaebum grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"Can you just listen to me for once?!" Jaebum shouted then looked around; when he noticed that he had gotten the attention from people, his voice quietened. "It's dangerous, let's go."

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