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"That hurts!" Jinyoung's exclaim filled the air in the basement that they hadn't been using for a while. "Bambam, be gentle!"

"Endure it like a man." Bambam grumbled, a look of unhappiness on his face as he applied the bandage onto Jinyoung's wounded shoulder. "But, that's one huge bruise; what did you get hit by?"

"Well," Jinyoung trailed off for a short while then continues. "The wooden bat they were holding. Maybe I hit my back against something when they threw me. I can't remember."

"Bam, use all your strength when you're tending to his wounds. Bandage him up tightly." Jaebum ordered while Jeongyeon tended to his wounds on his arm.

"That's very cruel of you, Jaebum." Jinyoung complained. "Beside, why do the two of you have the girls tending to your injuries but I got Bambam."

"Hey!" Bambam hit the spot which he just applied the bandaid on which caused Jinyoung to yelp out in pain. "I can do my first aid well too, okay?"

"I work for boss so obviously, I am the one to tend to his injuries. Mark is always with Nayeon, so naturally, Nayeon's the one to do it."

That last statement got Mark and Nayeon to raised their head up, turning to their direction.

"What kind of logic is that?" Mark asked bluntly.

Jinyoung scoffed.

"If anything I would've thought that the both of you will end up dating." Jinyoung continued his rambles but ended up getting a box of bandaid thrown right into his face.

"I'm an injured person here!" Jinyoung exclaimed again.

"Then stop saying stupid things like this." This time, it was Nayeon who seemed to be the one who threw the box at him.

"Nayeon, you too? Why is everyone against me today?"

"Because you're an idiot who does stupid things to make everyone worry about you." Jeongyeon stated in a nonchalant way while she now applied some alcohol on Jaebum's wounded shoulder. "Bambam, do your job."

"Yes ma'am!"

With those two words, the basement was once again filled with Jinyoung's yelps of pain.


"Did we manage to get it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well done. Now, we just have to wait for the perfect time to bring that team down."


Jeongyeon stared at the huge river in front of her; the sun is setting which was reflected beautifully in the water. She would always come to this place whenever she's troubled or feeling down however, unlike any other times, she just came here because she felt like it.

For the first time, she thought that the scenery in front of her was very beautiful.

"Sitting by yourself again?" Jinyoung's voice and presence brought Jeongyeon back from her own thoughts.

"What are you doing here again then?" The girl responded with another question however, her tone was more casual than the previous time. "Where are the others?"

"They left after you did." Jinyoung shrugged a little and took off his cap, shifting his gaze to the huge river in front of them.

"Are you sure you can do this? Idol Junior, sitting side by side with a girl?" Jeongyeon asked, surprised at Jinyoung's action.

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