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Jinyoung had managed to sneak into the warehouse without anyone noticing. Surprisingly, there were only two men guarding the place but Jinyoung couldn't tell if they're humans or android from where he was hiding. He stayed hidden as he continued to observe the situation. Jeongyeon's mother and sister were just there, tied up but thankfully, they didn't seem to be in very bad shape.

After a few minutes of waiting and observing, no other man or person was seen around. That boosted Jinyoung's confidence.

"Calm down, Jinyoung." He muttered to himself as his grip tightened around the loaded gun in his hand. Or at least, he assumed it's loaded.

Taking in a deep breath, Jinyoung stepped out from his hiding place which caught the attention of the two mean in the warehouse. Sweat dripped down from his forehead as he made careful steps nearer to where Jeongyeon's family was; both of them unable to keep their surprised expression.

"I just want to get them away." Jinyoung spoke quietly, holding his gun down. "We don't have to get hurt."

The two men said nothing as they both stepped forward and Jinyoung noticed that their movements were slightly rigid. Both of them had yet to speak up.

"They won't reply, they don't talk." Jeongyeon's sister, Jeongmi spoke up timidly, catching Jinyoung's attention. "The only thing they do is give us water and food. Other than that, they're just watching us."


Jinyoung confirmed in his mind.

"Hello auntie and Jeongmi." He gave them an awkward smile briefly before his gaze shifted to the two androids in front of him which surprisingly, stopped moving. "I'm Park Jinyoung."

"We know who you are."

"Right." The man let out a nervous chuckle. Why is this so nerve wrecking? It seemed so much easier when he was acting in his dramas.

"But what are you do—"

A loud bang which sounded like something heavy dropped, interrupted Jeongmi's question and caused Jinyoung to turn around swiftly to where the loud sound came from.

"Fuck." Jinyoung cursed under his breath as a whole group of men in suits stepped into the warehouse. He then turned to Jeongmi and her mother again, trying his best to put up an assuring smile. "Don't worry, I will get you two out of here. I made a promise."

Jinyoung pulled the trigger of the gun and held it up but the android nearest to him was faster as it hit the gun out of Jinyoung's hand.

"Guess, we have to do the old fashion way." Jinyoung mumbled to himself before he punched the android's face hard, breaking the system in it.

He was able to be in control of the situation for a while but everytime he thought that the fight is over, more walked in and now he's pretty much surrounded. Jinyoung turned around to look at the two females behind him and noticed their scared look.

He had a promise to keep; he couldn't let them get hurt.

"We are in deep shit." Nayeon announced suddenly in the car. "Udon just sent a message and said that there's a large amount of different frequency in the warehouse and he could already connect to them even though he's not at the exact location."

"Is he near?" Jaebum asked as he continued to drive, stepping on the accelerator more. "Tell him to get inside once he's there. Jinyoung's in danger."

"In huge danger, you mean." Bambam looked up from his screen. "It's like an army and Jinyoung's fighting them alone."

"Are we reaching?" Jeongyeon asked this time.

"According to our GPS, we are." Mark answered.

"Udon arrived."

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