A not so happy Halloween

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Again, all Percy's POV) 

After trying and failing to find a suitable Aquaman costume, I decided that gladiator costume from last year would just have to do. I was half-way through donning the pathetic bronze-painted styrofoam armor when I heard the cheerful little ding-dong of the doorbell. Now, believe it or not, Annabeth's just as bad about being on time as I am, though for her, I suspect that's got a lot to do with relying on the subway, since it's pretty hard to memorize. Then again, it's hard for me to memorize anything, so maybe she's got it down cold and just has poor time management. Either way, it's pretty early on, so it's probably just some kids. If she's not here in twenty minutes, though, I'll just drive over to her place myself. 

Once I was dressed, I walked out of my room and bumped into my mom, who, in case you're curious, was dressed as the statue of liberty, prop tome and all. It even had the 'give me your huddled masses' quote written on it, which I only knew because she told me, because she was proud of it. I wish I were able to remember the exact words, but if you ask me, that sentiment describes her to the letter. "Hey sweetie! You're all ready for the party, huh?" 

"Yep, gonna help you answer the door while I'm waiting though." 

"Oh honey, you don't have to." She reached up to cradle my face in her hands. "I don't mind handing out candy to little kids. It's my job! Though, it may not be for long..." 


"Yeah, I just sent the manuscript to Zeal Inc, and we're hoping to get it published by Thanksgiving. So once the royalties start coming in... If they're enough, that is." She shrugged. "I can't stop thinking about how I'll have one of my own soon." She put a hand on her baby bump, which was just barely starting to show. "Again, I mean. And I'll be able to dress them up in costumes and take cute little family photos and make a scrapbook and do all the things that I..." Her eyes started watering. "... That I wish I got the chance to do with you." 

I felt my heart squeeze a little. It was true. For the first twelve years of my life... We were those huddled masses. We were so focused on survival that all those normal childhood things seemed out of the question. And I don't blame her for that one bit, but it still hurts. And I know it hurts her too. I'm glad she'll at least get that with the new baby, and that said baby is gonna have all the best parts of my childhood, with none of the worst. 

She took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds, before looking back up at me. "I love you. Just remember, hands at ten and two, and if you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe-" 

"I know, I know, get out of there and come home. I'll be fine, and I love you too." I took the candy bowl out of her hand and opened the door to greet the kids, only to find Annabeth and Piper looking back at me. It was only when she stood next to Piper that I really took in how tall she is. She's taller even than me by an inch or two, and I'm six foot straight. Piper's only five nine, if I had to guess, so Annabeth towers over her.  

I also noticed that her hair was styled... Differently. And not just because it was down rather than in the high ponytail she usually kept it in. It looked almost like her usual braids, but rounder, and I couldn't find the pattern that braiding left. I couldn't put my finger on the style's name exactly, but it was very pretty. There was one strand on each side, both of which had light pink ribbons crisscrossed around them, matching the ribbon tied in a bow around her neck. In fact, pink seemed to be the whole theme with her, with her pink heart-shaped sunglasses propped up on top of her head, her glittery pink high heeled sandals and matching bikini top, which showed off so much skin it made my face glow with heat, and the hot pink fur coat layered over it. The only part of her outfit that wasn't pink, khaki pants, still had a bright pink belt threaded through the loops. "Oh, hey! Didn't expect you to be here so soon... Or with Piper." 

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