Let's Check in with the Girls

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Reyna's POV) 

Today was visitation day. I had it saved on my phone and everything, the day I was supposed to finally go down and see Hylla. 

Hylla, the sister I loved more than anything. Who protected me from our father when he had his outbursts, who took the fall for me when the cops found his dead body and accused me, an 8 year old, of murder. I was planning on running for governor specifically so I could free her, and anyone who had to kill to escape abuse. 

I did my hair a little different today, remembering old skills from the salon I used to work at,  trying to stash away a little extra money for when I inevitably aged out of the system. Of course, I didn't, my mom recognized my name and got me back, but by then, I developed some real ugly anger issues, so she sent me to military school to straighten me out. I don't know why parents do that when their kids are mad at them, since now I know my way around a gun. I could've shot her when I got back, she may have been my blood mom, but to me she was just some lady. I didn't, obviously. I knew the law wouldn't be kind to me. Besides, I know shooting people is wrong unless they're a threat, and even though I was mad at her for sending me away, I knew she wasn't a threat. They weren't really anger issues, they were trust issues, but they turned into anger issues because I knew talking wasn't gonna get me anywhere. 

I told Annabeth I was going out, though I didn't tell her where. No doubt, I'd get a load of shit about how I shouldn't be looking to get into politics when I have an incarcerated sister because that'll make me biased and 'soft on crime'. Maybe it does. I don't know. All I know is that I've seen what it does to people, and I don't think anyone should have the right to take away someone's dignity like that. 

I called over Thalia to pick me up and drop me off, told her not to bother staying parked outside because she and I can really get to talking. I know, I know, motorcycles are dangerous, but they're faster than the bus and I don't have a car. 

She showed up knocking at the dorm, and I opened the door to meet her. "Hey, you ready?" She asked. 

Annabeth looked up from her book. "... Who's that?" 

I shrugged. "A friend of mine, no one you would know."

"No, I... I recognize her. I recognize that voice." She insisted, getting off the bed and stepping closer to Thalia. "... Lia?" She breathed. 

Blue eyes sparked with recognition. "Beth!" 

I looked between them. "... How do you two know each other?" 

Annabeth tensed. "It's... A long story."  


Thalia's POV) 

I knew exactly how that long story went. 

Me, on the bus, seeing a 7 year old nervously pick through her coins to pay the fare. I had just run away that night, my funds were still high. I paid her way, obviously. 

I made sure to protect her from any creeps on the bus, struck up a little conversation with her. That's how I found out she ran away too. She wasn't sure where she wanted to go, but I was. I wanted to go to New York, meet my dad, all that happy shit. That didn't end up happening, but I had some good times traveling across the country with her. Met up with Luke, joined the huntresses, dipped when Luke started getting into drugs, now I'm here. I never thought I'd see her again, I thought she was gonna be another Jason. Another situation where I had to leave someone I loved behind, for my own safety.

We decided that, once I dropped Reyna off, I'd go back here, and we'd catch up. 

I got back in the door and sat on Annabeth's bed. Reyna's always been touchy about her stuff. "So... You've been good, I hope. Finally get together with that Jackson guy?" 

She grimaced. "Oh... Yeah, about that. We did, but then, um... We broke up. It was my fault, I cheated on him. Honestly, I wasn't that sure if I liked him like that at that point, I guess it doesn't matter." 

"I'm sorry, you what!?" 

"I... I cheated on him." I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, but ignored it. "I made out with this girl one time, and I hid it from him for a while... I told him the truth in the end, but by that time, it was too late. I couldn't save our relationship no matter how hard I tried. Honestly, I was kind of relieved, since I was free to date her, but he was really upset. He had to take some time off of school, even. Fuck, man... Am I, like... A bad person?" 

I sighed. "... No. I don't think there's such a thing as a bad person. Most of us do bad stuff like that in our lives, y'know? And that doesn't mean we're just permanently bad. Just like doing something really good doesn't make you permanently good. So the whole 'good person/bad person' thing is kind of useless." 

"I guess... But like, I don't know. He told me it would take a really long time for him to forgive me." 

"So? That's him. If he doesn't wanna forgive you, that's his business. It doesn't reflect shit about you." 

She sighed. "... I guess. Anyway, I have to go to the bathroom." 

"Ok, bye." Once she was gone, I finally reached into my phone to check the text I had gotten. 

'Hey, Thalia, it's Rachel again, y'know, the girl you slept with a few days ago? I asked Diana for your number, told her it's super important. Because it is. See, I posted about you on my blog, only used your first name of course, but someone messaged me saying your description matched one of her ex boyfriend's big sister. He wants to reconnect, so I messaged you to ask if you actually have a little brother, and if you do, is his name Jason?'

I smiled down at my phone. 'yeah, his name's Jason. Where is he?'

It took a few seconds before she responded. 'he's living in NYC.'

Well... I guess I know where I'm going next. 

(I'm so sorry for the wait, the finale is pretty close and I guess I'm running out of steam because of that)

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