The Airport

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Hazel's POV) 

Math was probably my least favorite class, which made me glad that it was the last. And even that dreaded hour of the day was made more tolerable by the fact that Frank was there too. Still, even though he finally gave us an easy day with a few seasonal puzzles to keep us busy, I found myself watching the clock tick down, antsy and unable to focus on anything but how much time was left until the last bell. After all, today was the last day before Christmas break, and the day before my birthday. 

The minute class was over, I hopped out of my seat, and so did Frank. We started walking together, but he had to stop by the bathroom and told me to go ahead. So... I was alone when I heard what I heard. 

"-.... and you should be thankful that I'm even bothering to warn you, diAngelo." 

"Warn me?" My brother asked. "About what?" 

"By the time you come back, everyone's gonna know your little secret." 

"No..." His voice shook, and as I rounded the corner, I could see he was pinned to the wall by his collar, by none other than Octavian. "No, no, you made a deal with Jason-" 

"Oh you simpleton... You actually thought a little thing like a promise would stop me?" His voice made my blood run cold. 

But the fear in Nico's eyes made it boil again. 

"Get your hands off my brother." I demanded, jaw clenched, hands furled into fists. "Now." 

He turned to me, and though he sneered down at me like I was a chewed up piece of gum on the sidewalk, I didn't fear him anymore. I couldn't afford to fear him. Fear is the mindkiller. "Or what, little girl? You'll put some kind of spell on me?" 

An idea sparked in my mind, and confidence surged through my body. A confidence I was only known for as a little girl, before it had been scrubbed away with the taste of soap. "Y'know what? I think I will." 

He scoffed, which only fueled my fire. "Yeah right. What, you'll wave your magic wand at me and I'll bust out in hives or something? This isn't Harry Potter, y'know." 

I smirked. "Harry Potter aint shit. You wanna know what real magic is?" I reached into my back for my craft scissors. 

"I'm not scared of you, little girl." 

"Fine." I pulled them out. "If you're so brave, give me a lock of your hair." 

His face went even paler than it normally was. "What?" 

"Did I stutter?" I snipped the scissors threateningly. "I said give me a lock of your hair. Or are you too chicken?" 

"Get away from me you little maniac!" He yelped, before sprinting in the other direction. Laughter bubbled up from my throat so intense that it squeezed my eyes shut, a howling, cackling laughter that I almost didn't recognize as my own. Once I'd calmed down, I opened them back up to find Frank and Nico both staring at me shocked, Frank's face red as a cherry. "Wow..." He breathed. "... I, uh... I don't think I've ever... Seen you like that before." 

"Me either." Nico joined in. "I... Thank you! Thank you so much. I thought you were terrified of the guy." 

"Well you are too, apparently." I mussed up his hair. "I had to protect you somehow." 

"Oh shut up. I can handle myself." 

"You didn't seem to be handling yourself very well." I teased. I was so happy to see him like this. He was still quiet, asocial even, but he seemed happier. More... At peace. And I was also happy to know that I'm part of the reason why. Because I'm trying to show him that I care about him, taking on more responsibility, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on if things get hard, though he still hasn't really opened up like I was hoping him to. I'm not too upset, I can be patient. "Let's get home. Frank, you wanna come with us for dinner?" 

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