Resolve and Reunion

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Percy's POV) 

I watched as Octavian stormed out of the principal's office to face his father. "Does this mean I can go back to Jupiter Academy, father?"

"For the last time, I'm not your dad. And no, you're going to military school." 

He whined. "No, please, I won't last a day in there!" 

The older man shrugged. "Not my problem." 

I'll admit, I felt a little bad for getting him expelled, watching them disappear down the hall, taking the walk of shame I know all too well. But he's been tormenting everyone else since he got here, and he outed my boyfriend, so I didn't let myself pity him too much. Cupid would be gone in a few days too.

Dad walked out of the principal's office a few minutes later, and turned to me. "Well... There's that settled." He stepped closer to me. "How about we go get cheeseburgers for dinner tonight? Your mother's royalties just came in." 

"That sounds great." 

He walked me out to the car, where mom was waiting in the drivers' seat.


We stopped at McDonalds, agreeing to actually go into the restaurant instead of just going through the drive through. I actually ordered a happy meal, because I saw they were giving out mythomagic cards as prizes. It felt a little awkward, but I thought he'd appreciate it, even if he doesn't play anymore.

We went through the usual conversations, telling each other how our days went, apparently she's started a second book, and then dad started to get visibly nervous. "... So, should we start thinking about the wedding?"

I choked a little on my coke. "... Right. I kinda... Forgot about that." 

"Yeah, I was worried you had. I don't really have a preference for when or where, but... I wouldn't want it to be too close to your graduation. Oh, speaking of graduation, do you have any plans for college? You don't have to do everything at once, y'know. I had to take a gap year, it's no big deal." 

I shrugged. "I mean, I always figured I'd cross that bridge when I get to it." 

"Well... You're getting awfully close." 

She nudged him. "Honey, don't pressure him." 

He turned to my mom. "Right, sorry. I got off track... So... Do you mind if you show during the wedding?" 

Mom shrugged. "I'm sure I can find maternity wedding dresses. Besides, as much as I love her... I don't want little babies crying at my wedding. But she's due in May, so we'd have to go for an April wedding. But I don't know which would be worse; Having to move house while I'm pregnant, or having to move house right after childbirth." She looked at me. "You know I don't regret having you sweetheart, not one bit. But... It was taxing. And I promised myself, if I ever had to do that again, I wouldn't be going back to work the next morning, because... That was rough." 

Dad squeezed her hand. "I'll hire some people to move your stuff for you, ok? You won't have to do any heavy lifting." 

She smiled a little. "... I guess I can wait until after she's here, then. Besides, I want you to be there." She grabbed my hand under the table. 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." 

She looked back at dad. "Well... It's finally real. I can't believe it, but... Someday soon, we're going to Ithaca!" 

"Yeah. It'll be nice to be back home after so long. I get why Odysseus was so determined." 

She hummed. "And lucky for you, you won't be coming back to see your wife surrounded by gentleman callers." 

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