Long Day

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Percy's POV) 

When I got to school the next day, I found it hard to look him in the eye. Not that I was upset at him, it's just... Hard to go from a heavy subject like that to talking about the weather. Or, not the weather. Why would we talk about the weather? Nobody cool talks about the weather. Just look outside, is it raining? No? Great, didn't need me to tell you that. 

But the fog of awkwardness was cut shortly by my two favorite freshman, Travis and Connor, the stereotypically mischievous identical twins. Well, almost identical, considering only one of them was gay. Openly too, from day one, which is pretty impressive. Even more impressive that he snagged Will of all people, the goody two-shoes who still sounded like Hank Hill even after months of living in New York. I guess opposites really do attract, soft-spoken and outspoken, country bumpkin and city slicker, future nurse and class clown... 

"Hey hey hey party people!" The other one, Travis, shouted right beside my ear, making me wince. They're both super loud and... What's that word Annabeth keeps using? Boisterous? I think that's it. "So, anyone wanna hear our big plans for Halloween?" 

"We're throwing a house party!" Connor blurted out. 

Travis crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You just had to spoil it, didn't you?" 

"Hold on," Jason interrupted. "on Halloween? Because that's landing on a Monday this year." 

They both nodded like maniacs. They'd make a good tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum. 

"Have you two eaten Ergot or something?" Annabeth chided. "Nobody's gonna show up on a Monday! We've got shit to do!" 

"Ugh, fine. We'll do it on Saturday, like normal people. But it's still gonna be wild." 

I cleared my throat. "Um, there won't be any, uh... Alcohol, right?" I asked shyly. I wanted to go, I really did, but I wasn't sure if I could handle it if there were a bunch of drunk people hanging around. 

Connor shrugged. "Nah, we're not that kind of people." Was all he said. I was relieved that nobody thought I was a pussy for that. 

"And no bug decorations, right?" Annabeth asked. I was surprised at her. I thought her fear of insects only extended to the things themselves, not rubber replicas. She seemed to notice my confusion, because she rushed to explain. "I mean, it'll be hard to tell in the dark." She justified, and I nodded. That made sense to me. 

Travis waved her off. "We'll be careful not to set you off either, Murder Barbie." 

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up before you both end up as his and hers bathrobes." 

That got them both laughing. "Yeah, because I'm hers, and he's his!" 

Piper shook her head. "Whatever. I'm going. Beth, Perce?" 

"Oh, definitely. I've got this great costume idea, you've seen Legally Blonde right?" 

"Well, I wouldn't check if I wasn't interested. Hell yeah I'm coming!" 

Leo shrugged. "What's the point of a party with no booze? May as well just go to Wednesday night youth group." He laughed. "You three have fun sober, but I'm opting out." 

Jason sighed. "I'd love to, but... There's no way she'd let me. Not after asking dad about a house." 

"Woah, dude, you asked him for a house!?" I asked. "I thought you didn't like asking him for things." 

"I don't, but it's not for me. Well, not just for me." 

"We're moving in together." Leo smirked. "Hera's a bitch." 

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