New Year, New Me

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Nico's POV) 

As I walked into school on my first day after the break, I feared the worst. And the worst did, in fact, happen. 

My assignment, from all the way back in August, had been stolen, copied a million times, and glued all around the school. It was like the climax of mean girls, except it was all targeted at one person: Me. 

Everyone was reading it, some were smirking, some were slack-jawed, some were even laughing and sharing with their friends. I just wanted to turn around and walk back out that door, skip class today, skip class every day after that, drop out, start a new life somewhere far away, possibly in Michigan. I was just about to open the door when Hazel's hand caught my wrist. "Where are you going?" 

I let out a strangled noise that I'm not sure how to describe. Oh shit. She's gonna hate me, I'm sure of it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt. "I... I can't-I..." 

She shushed me and put her hand on my shoulder, gently corralling me outside, to a private-ish place, secluded and dark and blanketed with snow. "Ok, just breathe." I sucked in as deep of a breath as I could, rocking myself on the ground. "There we go, just like that. What happened? What was so bad back there? Was it all those papers?" 

I looked over at her and nodded, not trusting my voice. I'm so pathetic, having to lean on her like this. I'm supposed to take care of her. 

She sighed, looking so incredibly sad. "Were they about you?" 

I nodded again, and she started rubbing my back. "Whatever those things say, it's not gonna change how much I love you. You know that, right?" 

I leaned on her and sniffled, tears starting to stream down my face. "I don't want you to be afraid of me. I don't want you to think I'm... Wrong." 

"Wrong? Why would I think that?" 

I shrugged. I didn't want to, but I knew I'd have to tell her the truth. It was posted everywhere, covering the walls like black mold. "... Because I'm..." Oh god. Out with it already, don't make her wait. "... I'm gay." 

Her eyes widened in shock for a moment, a second, a few seconds. Please don't hate me, please don't hate me, please do-

"Is that what those posters were about?"

"Um... Y-yeah-"

"Who did it?" Her voice turned murderous. "Do you know?" 

I shook my head, even though I did. I didn't want her to get in trouble, or worse, hurt. 

"I'm gonna find out who did, and I'm gonna make them pay." 

I shook my head again. "Please, don't. You don't have to-" 

She shoved her finger over my mouth. "Yes I do." She insisted, with such ferocity in her voice that I didn't dare argue. She stood up and offered me her hand, and after a while, I took it, and we walked back into the school in silence. She never told me she supported or approved of my sexuality, but she never said she didn't. And she was angry at the people that outed me, so that must mean she's ok with it. Still, I never got confirmation, and until I did, I couldn't be certain. 

When I entered the school again, I made a beeline for the bathroom so I could wash myself up. I splashed water on my face and dried off with a paper towel, and when I opened my eyes again, Percy was there. "Hey... I saw the, um... Essay. And I, um... I was wondering if you were ok." 

I hesitated for a moment, before I wrapped my arms around him and started crying again. Why was I crying so much today? Oh wait, my life just got ruined, that's why. 

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