06 - The Rumors Are True

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Will POV

I ride my bike slowly to where Dustin, Mike and I meet because of how nervous I am to see Mike after what almost happened yesterday. Maybe it didn't almost happen, but it almost did. It's complicated to say the least.

When I see Dustin, Mike is already sitting next to him on his bike, kicking the rocks at his feet and watching them roll.

"Hey!" I say as naturally as possible.

"Hey, Will." Dustin says.

"Hi." Mike says, a little more dim then usual.

"Are you guys game for going to Hellfire later? Eddie is getting everyone pizza because it's Friday!" Dustin says happily, beginning to pedal in front of us.

"Definitely." Mike and I both say which causes us to turn and look at each other. He shoots me a look that says 'we should talk' and I give him a little nod and smile before pedaling after Dustin.

We talk the rest of the ride there like Mike and I didn't almost kiss in the middle of the hallway yesterday, but for some reason, it becomes less nerve racking with every word spoken.

After third period as I am walking to my locker to get my history notebook, a fist slams against the locker next to me. I whip my head around to see Cooper, Troy, as a group of other larger guys wearing varsity basketball outfits, one of which is Lucas Sinclair who gives me an empathetic look.

"Hey queer! Find any boyfriends lately?" Troy laughs.

"Stop. Just leave me alone please." I squeak out.

"You are your little boyfriend Mike are so cute together. Two little fags." Cooper says, pushing the books out of my hand. I feel my heart sink to my feet.

"Leave me alone!" I say a little louder this time.

"Oh, look at you trying to be all tough. Let's see how tough you really are." Cooper says. Before I can protest, him and Troy each have a hold of one of my arms and they are pulling me down the hallway as I kick and yell, but everyone is already in class by this time.

"Stop!" I say, attempting to kick Cooper, but it only gives him a tighter grip on me.

"Shhhh. This'll all be over soon." Troy says, the rest of the boys laughing and watching me struggle. I feel my cheeks burning as I become more and more weak from struggling so much as they pull me into the boys bathroom and slam me on the ground. I stumble to my feet as quick as I can, facing the rest of them.

"Please just stop." I beg. Just then, Cooper swings his fist and punches me as hard as he can in the gut which causes me to immediately taste blood coming up into my mouth. Before I can even think to fight back, Troy hits me in the face and I feel my nose start to bleed as well. By now I am on the floor, sobbing tears and blood onto the white and blue tile.

"This is what you deserve. Have fun in here." Troy says, leaving the bathroom with the rest of his group. I lay there on the floor in a fetal position, gripping my stomach in pain as blood comes out of my mouth and nose and tears out out of my eyes. My heart rate speeds up a thousand times what it was before when I hear the door open.

"Will!" I hear Mike yell, this only making me cry harder.

"Will, what happened? Do you need me to call an ambulance? Are you okay?" he says frantically, kneeling down next to me.

"Don't call an ambulance. We can't afford the medical bills." I say, sobbing in pain and embarrassment.

"Ok, ok. I need you to get up so I can help you. Spit the blood into the sink and sit on the edge and let me clean up your face." Mike says, holding my hand and using all his weight to help me get up. I lean over the sink and spit out blood until there is none left, wincing in pain as I hoist myself up onto the side of the sink.

"Was it Troy and Cooper? Did they do this to you?" he asks, wetting a paper towel.

"Yeah. They called me bad names and then hit me." I tell him.

"Can I get the blood off?" Mike asks as I nod in approval. He slowly moves the wet tissue to my nose and begins to wipe it off as I grip the counter in order to not cry due to the pain and overwhelming feelings.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I don't even know why they call you those things. They are such assholes." Mike says, wiping my nose slowly.

"Mike? Can I tell you something?" I ask, my heart beating straight out of my chest.

"Anything." he says.

"The things they say about me, all the rumors, they - they're true." I say, eagerly waiting for an answer. I watch his expression change in a heartbeat which causes me to become nervous.

"Oh. Really? How long have you known?" he asks, my heart racing.

"A while. My whole life basically." I tell him honestly.

"So why didn't you tell me sooner?" he questions, wiping my now bloody cheek.

"I guess I was scared." I say.

"You shouldn't have been. I support you in every way with everything you do. You are my best friend in the whole world and I care about you more then I care about myself. Always remember that. If you ever feel like you have nobody to talk to, remember me." he says, throwing away the bloody tissue and coming back to stand in front of me.

"It looks a lot better." he reassures.

"How's your stomach?" he asks. I hop down from the sink and lift my shirt very slowly to reveal a very large black and purple bruise that has already formed. Tears begin to run down my face as I stare at myself in the mirror, covered in cuts and bruises. I pull my shirt back down and face Mike who looks insanely worried.

"God, I'm sorry Will." he says before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. I bury my head into his shoulder as he puts his hand in my hair and slowly rubs my head to ease my feelings. I melt into his touch and let all my emotions out as I squeeze him tightly and he does the same.

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