11 - Arcade Threats

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Will POV

Mike buried his head into my shoulder and I let him cry for as long as he needs.

"Mike, don't take what your dad says to heart. I am always going to be in love with you and nobody is going to change that. Nobody." I say, his head still buried in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you, Will. Also, I think I want to tell the party. At least Max and Dustin." Mike says, making my heart to backflips.

"That's great, Mike. Do you wanna go to the arcade now?" I ask.

"Definitely." he says, standing up and taking my hand. We ride our bikes quickly and when we get to the arcade, we see Max and Dustin's bikes leaning against the wall. When we walk in, we see Max playing dig dug like usual while Dustin stands there in awe of her skills.

"Hi guys!" Mike says, walking over to them.

"Hey! I feel like we haven't hung out in forever!" Dustin says, Max trying to focus on the game.

"I know right!" I say, looking over at Mike. He gives me a little nod of approval to tell them.

"Mike and I have something to tell you guys, but you have to keep it a secret." I say, Max's eyes immediately lifting off the game like she knows something I don't.

"We're - we're together. Like - boyfriends." I say quietly.

"Yes, yes, yes! I knew you two would get together after Mike told me that he liked you!" Max says, her arms immediately wrapping around Mike who looks extremely embarrassed.

"I kind of suspected this would happen. I'm happy for you guys!" Dustin says, hugging me as I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"You told max that you liked me before you told me?!" I ask, giving Max a hug as well.

"Yeah, I sort of went to her for advice." Mike says, his cheeks turning crimson red.

"That's so sweet!" I say mockingly.

"Shut up, Byers." Mike says jokingly, walking over to the PAC-MAN machine in the corner. I follow him over as Max and Dustin stay and play another round of Dig dug. Mike plays a few rounds before we decide to get slices of pizza from the snack bar. When we sit down, Mike takes my hand and holds it right on top of the table for everyone to see, but when Cooper walks in with his friends, he lets go as quickly as possible.

"Hey queer! How are you and your boyfriend doing?" he asks, sitting across from us at the table.

"Shut up, Cooper." Mike says sternly.

"Awwww, he's defending you! How sweet. I can't believe we actually have fags in this town. That shouldn't even be allowed. Just know that at school this week, you better hide. Better off, don't come at all." Cooper says, getting up and walking away.

I can feel tears in my eyes so I run quickly to the bathroom, going into it and locking the door. I stand and lean against the sink, forcing the tears back as my hands and body shake with anger.

Why me, why me, why me?!

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock on the door.

"Someone's in here." I say.

"Will, it's me. Dustin and max are also here and we wanted to check on you." I hear Mike say through the closed door. I slowly open it to see them all standing there in front of me with sympathetic looks on their face.

"Don't listen to Cooper." Max says, hugging me tightly.

"I hate him so much. I'm just so scared to go to school." I cry. I fall into Mikes arms and don't even care that Max and Dustin are standing right there. After a few seconds, I feel two more pairs of arms wrapped around my body, so now all three of them are hugging me tightly as I cry into their arms.

"Thanks, guys. I needed this." I say honestly. They keep me wrapped in their arms for another minute before I wipe away my tears and we go back to laughing and playing games.


We say our goodbyes to Max and Dustin and watch them bike away before Mike and I go back to my house, Mike not wanting to return home.

"Hey, I know we have school tomorrow, but do you want to spend the night? You can go back to your house and get your school stuff and then come back here." I say.

"That sounds really good Will. I'll be over as soon as I can." he says, getting on his bike and leaving.

I ride my bike home and clean up my room and I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see Mike with his backpack and another bag that I take and we walk to my room. I set the stuff beside my bed and stand up to see Mike with tears in his beautiful eyes.

"Mike, what's wrong?" I ask in a panic.

"Nothing. Everything is perfect. I just haven't been this happy with someone and the feeling is so overwhelmingly good. I just love you so so so much. More than anything." he says, wrapping me in the tightest hug. I lean out and kiss him roughly, snaking my hands around his neck and my hands in his hair as he gasps for hair between kisses. He begins to kiss me hard and we move towards the bed as I lay down and he hovers over me, our hands roaming each other's bodies and our lips staying connected.

"I love you." he says into my neck before kissing it.

"I love you - you too." I say, completely out of breath. We continue this until we are so worked up that we have to stop and take a break. We both lay flat on the bed, gasping for air.

"You're perfect." I say.

"Not as perfect as you, Will. Nobody is."

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