15 - Apology

251 9 7

Will POV

It's been a week, and I'm going back to school today. I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt to cover my very thin body due to not eating much since the breakup. Every time I try to eat I just feel sick to my stomach.

I take the bus, but Mike isn't on it. I'm guessing he's biking with Dustin, but I don't really feel like seeing him until I absolutely have to. This is the longest we have ever gone without seeing or talking to each other. When the bus pulls up, I walk inside the building and almost immediately see tens of posters with the word 'HOMECOMING' written in huge, bold letters.


The last school dance I went to was the snowball where I danced with a girl, even though I actually really wanted to dance with Mike, but El showed up.

I walk to my locker and open it to find about ten notes fall out and land by my feet. I open each one and tears fall out of my eyes.


Get out of this town, fairy.


Leave Hawkins.

Get out.



Tell your boyfriend to take you and leave this town.

Go back to fairy land.


Each one hurts more then the last, and I want to leave school so bad, but I've already missed so much school.

When I get to history, Mike is already there, and his eyes go wide when he sees me. I try to ignore him, but every few minutes my eyes look his way and he is still looking at me. I hear Cooper trying to get my attention behind me, but I keep my eyes on the front board. When class is over, I bolt to geometry so that I can avoid all bullies and teasing, a few people calling me a fairy on the way out.

The school day lasts forever, but my spirits are immediately lifted when I see Max in the hallway. Though we aren't super close, I feel like she is so kind and understanding that I feel as if I've known her my whole life.

"Will! You're came!" she says, walking me to my bus.

"Yeah. I'm really happy to see you." I say. She stops and wraps her arms around me tightly.

"I heard what happened. With you and Mike. I'm so sorry, Will. I was crushed after Lucas and I broke up. I know how it feels. Are you okay?" she asks, her arms still wrapped around me. Just as I am about to answer, I hear a familiar voice call my name.

"Looks like the fag found himself a girlfriend! Finally!" Troy yells, walking over to max and I. She releases from the hug and stands right in Troys face.

"I swear to fucking, god Troy if you don't leave right now I'm gonna remind everyone that you wet your pants. I wasn't there to see it, but you're such a pussy that I can picture it in my head. Leave." Max says. A look of embarrassment comes across his face, and he tries to stutter out some words before walking away.

"Thanks, Max." I say, laughing a little for the first time in a week.

"No problem. Want me to take your bus home? I can just get off at the stop on Maple." she says. I eagerly nod and she comforts me the whole ride home.

When I finally arrive home, Jonathan is waiting to see me and make me food just like he had been doing the past few days when I come out of my room.

"Hey, buddy!" he says.

"Hey, Jonathan. Have you asked Nancy to go to homecoming with you?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah. I bought her flowers and chocolate and made a sign with a bunch of pictures of us. Why?" he asks.

"Just wondering. I don't even know if I wanna go." I say sadly.

"That's fine, but maybe you could just go with like Max and Dustin as friends. Right?" he says.

Just as I am about to answer, there is a knock on the door. Since Jonathan goes to get it, I bring my stuff into my room.

"Will! It's - it's Mike!" I hear Jonathan call to me. I quickly fix my hair in the mirror and watch my face turn red before slowly walking. I see Jonathan standing at the open door, and he moved out of the way for me to see him. His eye is bruised black and purple and he looks thinner as well.

"Hey. Can we talk outside?" he asks. I nod my head and follow him out the door, looking back to see Jonathan who is giving me an empathetic look along with a thumbs up.

'You got this!' he mouths. I smile and follow Mike out to the front porch where I stand awkwardly across from him.

"Will, we need to talk." he says.

"Yeah, I guess we should." I say. A million combinations of words run through my mind.

"Mike, I'm so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have let Cooper and Troy and all the other people get to my head. I let them hurt us, and it wasn't worth it. This past week had been absolute hell without you." I say.

"Will, this past week had been fucking awful, and I don't blame you. None of this is our fault. It's theirs, and I'm sorry they they think these things, but nothing they say will make me change my mind about us. I am so insanely in love with you. You are my favorite person in the whole world and I don't think I could ever stop loving you. You're so perfect and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." he says, my heart instantly piecing itself back together.

"I love you too. More than anything." I say, inching closer to him.

"Also, do you want to go to homecoming with me?" he says, reaching out and pulling out a CD. It's The Cure and has a heart written on it.

"Of course I'll go with you." I say, immediately pressing my lips against his. Our lips are hungry and we pull each other close.

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