16 - Homecoming

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Mike POV

I grab my new suit that I bought a while ago and put in on before combing my hair back with gel that Steve gave me for my birthday a few years ago. I did my tie in the mirror and glance at myself one more time before leaving my room and going downstairs to find Nancy dressed in a gorgeous green dress.

"Awwww, Mike! You look so handsome!" she says, standing up. My mom forces us both to take about a hundred pictures before we hear a knock on the door. I run to the kitchen and grab the bundle of roses that I picked out for Will, and run back to see Jonathan putting a corsage around Nancy's wrist. They walk over to the fireplace so my mom can take more pictures, moving out of the way to show Will in the doorway.

He's wearing a black suit that fits him perfectly and a little bow tie that is tied around the neck. His hair is as fluffy and soft looking as ever and his eyes are wide and happy.

"Will." I say, breathing out and wrapping my arms tightly around him. That's the only word I can say in the moment.

"Mike, you look great." he says, leaning away and looking me up and down.

"You look incredible. Here." I say, handing him the roses. His smile becomes even wider as he takes them from me. He presses his lips softly onto mine and I cup his cheek, leaning in. I lean back a few seconds later when I remember that almost my entire family is in the room. Thank god my dad isn't home.

"You two look great!" my mom says, pointing towards the mantle in front of the fireplace. I take Will's hand and pull him over, wrapping my right arm over his shoulder and smiling for the picture. We take a few like that before we hug and take a few more.

"Come on, guys. We're gonna be late!" Jonathan calls from the front door. We hurry out the door and laugh and talk the whole way to the school.

When we pull up, I immediately spot Max and Dustin waiting outside. I jump out of the car and pull Will to see them. Max is wearing a short blue dress with white converse and Dustin is wearing a flashy brown suit.

"You guys look great!" Will exclaims.

"So do you guys! My favorite couple." Dustin says, wiggling his eyebrows up and down as I watch Will blush. We all walk in together and the gym is covered from top to bottom in streamers and balloons. There are people gathered around tables and on the dance floor.

Nancy is already serving red punch while Jonathan is doing photographs for people. I give them each a wave before Max, Dustin, Will and I find a table. We sit there and talk and laugh for a while before a pretty girl walks over and locks her eyes on Dustin.

"Hey Dustin, do you maybe wanna dance?" she asks, Dustin's eyes going wide.

"Yeah, definitely." he says, standing up and reaching out for her hand. He walks her to the dance floor and they are both smiling as he puts his hands on her hips.

"Looks like Dusty found himself a girlfriend. Finally. Susie didn't deserve him." Max says, just as we see a tall boy with good hair walk over.

"M - Max, do you maybe want to dance? Like with me?" he asks, his hands shaking as he reaches for hers. She gives us a quick glance and smile before taking his hand and walking with him to the dance floor. I look over and see Troy and Cooper staring at us, and that's when I take the chance.

"Will, do you want to dance with me?" I ask, standing up and reaching out for his soft hand.

"But what about Troy and the others?" he asks, taking my hand in his.

"Don't worry about them. I want us to have a moment." I say, pulling him onto the dance floor. I place my hands firmly on his hips and he wraps his around my neck and I pull him close to me, feeling his breath on my face. Just as if the moment couldn't get more perfect, Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears starts to play and we sway to the music, not breaking eye contact.

I stare into his beautiful hazel eyes and realize that I will always love him, no matter what.

"Why are you staring at me?" he giggles.

"Because you're beautiful and I love you." I say, his cheeks turning crimson.

"I love you too, Mike. More than anything in the entire world." he says. I pull his small body closer to mine and kiss him firmly, not thinking about Troy or Cooper or anybody who is watching. I can think about is how insanely good Will looks right now and I am going to remember this moment for the rest of my life. I'm going to remember how much I was in love.

Will POV

Our kiss lasts a few seconds before we pull away. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest and I can't help but stare at his beautiful features. His sharp cheekbones, his beautifully placed freckles, and his raven hair. I could look at him forever, and I plan on doing just that.

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