10 - Coming out

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Will POV

My leg bounces up and down as I sit on the edge of my bed and wait for my mom to return from work. I have to tell her about Mike and I. After my dad moved out, it only brought Jonathan and I closer to her and I don't really keep anything from her, besides this.

I have no clue what she'll say, but I can feel my heart beating through my chest as I hear her car pull up in the driveway and slowly shut off, the creaky car door opening and closing. It's only a matter of seconds before I hear her keys jingling and the front door swinging open and hitting the back of the wall.

"Hi, Will!" she yells, her voice as enthusiastic as it can be after working a ten hour shift.

"Hi, mom!" I call, slowly getting off the bed and walking into the kitchen to see her pouring herself a cup of water.

"How was your day? I assume Mike spent the night?" she asks.

"Yeah." I say, my voice uneasy.

"What's wrong, honey?" she asks as I sit down next to her on the couch.

"I kind of need to tell you something, but I'm scared." I say sadly.

"Why are you scared? Is everything okay?" she asks in a panicked tone.

"Yeah - it's just - Mike and I, we're more then friends. More than best friends." I say, squeezing my eyes shut for a second as I wait for a reaction.

"Oh. Like - like you're in love?" she asks hesitantly.

"Yeah." I say, wincing.

"Honey, of course I'm not mad at you. I'm happy for you. Proud of you. I told you that you'd fall in love." she says, wrapping her thin arms around me as I do the same, a few tears spilling out of my eyes at the overwhelming feelings.

"Does Jonathan know?" she asks calmly, letting go of the hug.

"Yeah, he's known for a little while. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It basically happened in the past few days." I explain.

"Thank you for telling me, Will. Just know that I'll love you know matter what." he says, kissing me on the forehead lightly.


Mike POV

I sit down at the dinner table and my hands shake as I take another bite of my food. I am completely silent while the rest of my family goes on and on about their days and what is happening on the news, but my mom finally catches my gaze and stops talking.

"Mike, sweetie, what's wrong?" she asks, taking a sip of her red wine.

"It's - uh - I need to tell you guys something." I say, tears daring to escape my eyes.

"What is it, son?" my dad asks.

"Well, El and I aren't together anymore. Will and I are, though." I say. Nancy gives me a happy and proud look that says 'finally'.

"Oh. That's - that's okay honey. Thank you for telling us." my mom says.

"You mean you guys are dating?" my dad says, dropping his fork and knife.

"Yeah." I tell him.

"Why are you dating a boy?! That's not normal." he says, his words piercing straight through my heart.

"It's actually really normal. I'm happy for you, Mike. I'm happy you're happy." Nancy says, smiling genuinely and taking another bite of her chicken.

"Karen, you're just gonna let this slide?" he asks sternly, causing my mom to hesitate.

"Y - yes. If he wants to be with Will, that's perfectly fine." she says.

"Fine. Whatever. Be together, but just know you don't have my support." my dad says. I feel a little part of my heart break when he says those words, and I can feel tears about to pour out, so I excuse myself and run to my room, collapsing on the bed and beginning to sob loudly into my pillow.

'Just know you don't have my support.'

That sentence replays in my head and keeps me up all night as I toss and turn in my bed, sad and uncomfortable.

I rub my eyes groggily and slowly rise out of bed when I hear the phone ring.

"Hi Mike!" I hear will say on the other line, immediately boosting my spirit.

"Will! Hi!" I say.

"Do you want to hang out today? I was thinking that we could go to the arcade with the party or something? We haven't really hung out in a while." Will says.

"Yeah, definitely. Does that mean El is invited?" I ask.

"Only if you want to. I don't want to invite Lucas either." Will says.

"Okay, that's fine. Maybe it can just be us and Max and Dustin?" I say.

"That sounds good. Do you want to come over to my house for a little bit before? You can come now if you want." Will says.

"Okay, sure. I'll be over in a few minutes." I tell him.


I lean my bike up against Will's front porch steps and quickly walk up the stairs, knocking on the door. A few seconds later, Jonathan opens it.

"Oh, hey Mike! Will is in his room listen to music." he says, moving out of the way so I can go through.

"Cool, thanks." I say, shuffling past him and walking to Will's room to find him sitting on his bed and drawing with his headphones on. A smile appears on his face when he sees me, and he immediately jumps up and places his lips softly on mine as I take his hips and pull him closer, all of the bad feelings floating away.

"I missed you." he says shyly.

"I missed you, too." I say, sitting down across from him.

"I told my mom about us. She said she's happy for me." Will says excitedly.

"That's great! I told my family. Nancy and my mom are fine with it, but my dad - he - he said he doesn't support me. Us." I say, tears streaming down my cheeks. Will used his thumb to wipe the tears away, kissing my cheek lightly.

"Screw your dad." he says.

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