13 - Why Me?

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Mike POV

I set my bag down next to Will's dresser and he goes over to his record player and places a record down. The Cure starts to play as he lays down in his bed, still crying. I begin to cry as well when I see how upset he is, and I lay down next to him, neither of us saying a word. I hold is hand and ironically, we both cry even harder when Boys Don't Cry starts to play.

A few hours later we change into pajamas and eat some ice cream before laying back down.

"I'm sorry all of this is happening. I can't believe people in this town can't accept us for who we really are." I cry.

"I know. It's all just so extremely overwhelming and depressing." he says sadly. I roll over and kiss him softly as he begins to kiss back. I take his chin in my hand and our lips move in sync for a few more seconds before we release and Will turns over and presses his body against mine just like the night before.

"Night, Mike." Will whispers.

"Good night, Will. Love you." I whisper back.

"I love you too." he says, a slight whimper in his voice which breaks my heart. I hold him a little tighter then other nights as we fall asleep, my eyes heavy from crying for hours on end today.


Will POV

When I wake up, I don't feel Mikes arms around me, and I begin to panic as I sit up. I look around the room frantically to find him sitting on the floor and flipping through my container of records, most of them presents from my mom and Jonathan.

"Good morning." I say, his head turning to see me.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" he asks, coming and sitting down next to me.

"No, I couldn't really sleep. Did you sleep?" I ask.

"Not much. My mind just wouldn't shut off." he says.

"Same. Do you wanna have some coffee and eggs and bacon?" I ask.

"That sounds great." he says, taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. All of the sudden his lips are on mine and he is backing me up against the counter, kissing me roughly. We get a bit carried away in the moment until I hear a cough and quickly back away to see Jonathan standing in front of the dining room table.

"Oh, hey Jonathan. We were just - uh - making breakfast." I say, my cheeks turning red.

"Mhmm. Don't mind me, I'm just leaving for work. See you later, buddy." he says, winking and heading out the door. When the door shuts, I hear Mike let out a little laugh.

"That was so embarrassing." I laugh, not remembering the last time I laughed in the past days.

"At least it wasn't your mom." he says, making me laugh even more at the thought of my mom catching us making out in her kitchen.

We make breakfast and coffee and sit at the table across from each other, eating in peaceful silence. As we clean our plates and load them into the dishwasher, I hear a weird sound from the wall at the front of the house. Just then, that same sound repeatedly happens and Mike and I peer out the window to see Cooper and Troy throwing eggs at the house. The eggs cover the windows and I stand there in shock, Mike right next to me.

"Come out, queers! I know your in there!" Troy yells, another egg hitting the front door. I quickly lock it and Mike runs around the house, closing all the blinds and locking the back door so that there is no way of getting in. This continues for a few more minutes until they give up, picking their bikes off the ground and biking down the street.

I immediately unlock the door and run out to the front, standing and staring at the complete dump of a house that looks even worse then it did before. The shutters are falling off and the front stairs are breaking, not to mention the egg yolks that are covering almost every inch of the front.

"I can't fucking believe this. I can't believe this! I am gonna fucking kill them." Mike says.

"Stop. They aren't worth it." I say, hesitating. A million thoughts race through my mind as I realize what I have to do if we want to ever go back to school without being bullied for the rest of our lives.

"Mike - w - we need to break up. It's the only possibility. There is no way that we can do this everyday. We can't just stay hiding for the rest of high school. Maybe if we just split up now, they'll stop." I say, beginning to cry when I see him start to cry.

"No, Will. We can't let them ruin us. I said we need to stay strong." he says loudly.

"We just can't, Mike. I'm sorry. We just can't be together." I sob, rain starting to pour down on us.

"Please don't do this. Please don't let me go because of some stupid bullies." Mike cries, his hand reaching for mine as I pull away harshly.

"I have to. I have to let you go. Bye, Mike." I sob as I run inside. He doesn't even follow me. He just takes his bike off the front porch and bikes off, his stuff still covering my floor. When I realize that I am still wearing his sweatshirt, I pull it off and throw it on the ground. I punch my bed and sob ad loud as I ever have, falling into my bed in utter exhaustion. The same thoughts run through my head as I cry:

Why me? Why me? Why me?

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