09 - Pancakes and I Love You's

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Mike POV

I wake up to the sound of a lawn mower somewhere in the neighborhood. Will's body is still pressed up against mine and my arm is wrapped around his waist, hugging him as close to me as possible. I hug him a little tighter while closing my eyes and letting a few tears spill out in pure happiness of this moment and how relived I feel to not hide from him anymore. I kiss the back of his messy hair and breathe in his scent as I feel him shuffle beneath my arms.

He turns his body onto his other side so now he's facing me. His face is completely relaxed and his hazel green eyes are fluttering open, immediately catching my gaze.

"Good morning." I say sleepily.

"Morning." he mumbles. I feel him entangle his legs with mine under the blankets and I smile and do the same as I kiss him softly to wake him up, a tired smile appearing on his face.

"How'd you sleep?" he mutters.

"Really good. You?" I ask in return.

"Better with you." he says. He still manages to flirt with me even when he's only half awake.

"Do you maybe wanna make coffee and breakfast?" he asks a few seconds later.

"Sure!" I say, pushing the blankets off of me and sitting up in the bed. He slowly sits up and walks in front of me where I see him lift up his shirt and observe the worsening bruise on his stomach as he makes a face.

"They are such dicks." I say as he puts his shirt back down, looking right at me.

"I never want to go back to school. I don't want to have to face them again. I can't." he says, a slight whimper in his voice which makes me sick to my stomach. The thought of him getting hurt sickens me.

"I swear to god, if they put their hands on you again I'll beat the living shit out of each and every one of them." I say sternly, standing up and inching towards him.

"I don't want you to get hurt, too." he says sadly.

"I'd rather it be me getting hit then you." I say, wrapping my arms around his waist as he wraps his around my neck, standing on his tip toes. He kisses me softly, but I begin to kiss more rough, backing him up against his dresser and laughing into the kiss when he knocks down a stack of school books in the process.

Our hands graze over each other's bodies until we can barely breathe from exhaustion and excitement, and we back away, blushing and heading to the kitchen in pure bliss.

Will POV

This is the most perfect morning I could have every wished for. When we get to the kitchen, my mom has already left for work, but Jonathan is standing and waiting patiently for the coffee maker to brew him a cup before work. He sees us almost immediately and spots Mike, looking from him to me and raising an eyebrow discreetly.

"Good morning, you two. Breakfast?" he says, trying to act normal.

"Thanks, but we're gonna make it ourselves. Could I talk to you for a second though?" I ask. He quickly nods and follows me into his bedroom before shutting the door.

"Sooooo..." he says awkwardly.

"I kinda sorta told Mike that I am in love with him and he kinda sorta said that he loves me too." I say, butterflies filling my stomach.

"Are you kidding? Buddy I'm so happy for you!" he says loudly, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me in a tight hug.

"Thanks, Jonathan. I should go back, but we should hang out later. Like we used to." I say, a big smile appearing on his face.

"That sounds great. See you after work." he says, grabbing his keys off of his dresser and heading out of the room and house, leaving just Mike and I in my kitchen in our pajamas.

"Do you wanna make pancakes? I think I have all of the ingredients." I say, rummaging through the pantry and pulling out the ingredients.

"Definitely. Also, is everything okay? I didn't know why you went to talk to your brother." he asks hesitantly.

"Oh...it's kind of embarrassing. Jonathan knew that I liked you. I told him a while ago when I was just so confused so I had to tell him that we're together now." I say slowly.

"Oh, okay. Cool." he says, slightly blushing and turning his head to hide it.

"You ready?" he asks, pointing at the ingredients that I laid down neatly on the counter.

"Ready." I say.


By the time the pancakes are on plates covered in syrup and butter, we are covered in flour and baking powder. Our shirts have random white powdery stains on them and flour fingerprints coat our faces and even our hair. We don't bother washing it out before sitting down at the table and eating quickly.

"You're a really good cook." I tell him, taking my last bite of pancakes.

"Thanks, but I think you did most of the work. I just made most of the mess." he says, laughing and taking our plates to the dish washer.

He changes back into his clothes from yesterday and we talk and listen to music for a while longer before I walk him to the door and stand there with it open, dreading his departure.

"Mike, I had so much fun. Thank you." I say.

"I should be thanking you since I am the one who slept at your house. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" he asks.

"For sure." I say, hugging him tightly.

"I love you." he whispers into my neck.

"I love you too, Mike."

Authors Note - Sorry this chapter was kind of short. Thank you for all the reads though and please vote 🫶🏻

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