07 - I'm Sorry, El

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Mike POV

Seeing Will lying on the bathroom floor crying and bleeding made me realize how much I love him. I felt pain inside me when I saw him like that. It felt like a thousand knives were stabbing my heart from the inside and I wasn't even the one who was hurt.

My stomach was filled with butterflies the entire time I was cleaning him up and especially when he lifted up his shirt and I saw some his pale and bruised stomach. He's just so cute.

I walked him home even though that meant I was skipping class, and luckily Joyce was still at work for a few hours so we have the house to ourselves.

"Let me get you some water and pain killers." I say, filling a tall blue cup up with water and rummaging through his medicine cabinet to find a bottle of pain killers.

"Thanks Mike." he says, wincing as he sits down on the couch and I hand him the water and medicine.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" I ask eagerly.

"No, I think I'm okay. But Mike - a - are you sure you're okay with it?" he asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay with what?" I ask in return.

"With me being...you know...gay?" he asks.

"Of course I'm okay with it. I'm happy for you. And I-" I say, beginning to tell him that I think I like boys and girls.

"What?" he asks as I hesitate.

"Nothing. Never mind. I'm just happy for you." I say, stopping myself. I just can't say it and I don't know why. Plus, I'm still with El. El.


My heart is beating a million miles per hour when I park my bike at El's cabin and knock on the door.

"Mike! You did not tell me that you were going to visit me!" she says, with perfect diction as always.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you about something. Can we sit out here?" I ask, pointing to the chairs.

"Sure." she says, sitting down next to me. She takes my face in her hands and begins to press her lips against mine like usual. I quickly pull away and a look of confusion and anger spreads across her face.

"Why aren't you kissing me back?" she asks angrily.

"Because I'm tired of this, El. All we do is make out and I'm tired of it." I say.

"Why is kissing bad? I thought you liked kissing!" she says harshly.

"I do like kissing, but not all the time. Sometimes I just wanna talk and have a normal conversation but you never do. I think we need to break up." I say.

"Break up? Like stop dating?!" she yells.

"I'm sorry, El." I say.

"You can't do this! Mike!" she yells as I storm out of her room and out of the cabin to my bike. I ride home and tears stream down my face as I remember all the good memories, most of which happened before we even started dating.

By the time I get home, the only thing going through my head is Will. I have to tell Will how I feel if there is a even a chance that he feels the same.

Will POV

I am sitting criss cross as I am listening to a mixtape of songs that Jonathan made me before hearing the phone ringing.

"It's for you, Will!" I hear my mom yell. I quickly jump up out of bed and run to the phone.

"Hello?!" I say eagerly.

"Will, hi. It's Mike." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Hi Mike!" I say.

"Are you feeling better?" I hear him ask. I take a quick glance at myself in the hallway mirror.

"A lot better." I lie.

"That's great! Look, can we talk?" he asks. I can feel my heat stop and my breath catch it my throat as I become shaky and nervous.

"Sure? Can you say it over the phone?" I ask.

"I'd rather talk in person if that's okay. Can I come over?" he asks.

"Now?" I say, looking out my window and seeing the dark sky.

"Yeah. Is that okay?" he asks.

"Sure! I'll see you in a few minutes." I say.

"See you in a few." he says before hanging up the phone. I scurry to my room and put on a cuter shirt and leave on my sweatpants before brushing through my short hair and sitting on my bed. Before I know it, there's a knock on the door. I open it to see Mike who has on the same clothes as he did earlier at school, but his hair is now all cute and messy from riding his bike in the wind.

"Hi." I say nervously.

"Hi." he says cutely.

I move so he can come in and he heads right to my room, sitting on the bed as I sit across from him with my legs crossed. I can practically feel my heart beating.

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