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HI IM REWRITING ALL THIS CRINGE AHH CAUSE I CANNOT READ THIS. (p.s. please PLEASE tell me when I suddenly go out of topic because it seems like oneshots are the perfect type for me.)

Shu's POV:


Another morning with loneliness in the house, only 2 days left till school.

i got up and do my routine, and of course, chores.

though, i miss doing chores with luca, we did lots of chaos.


phew, all chores are done! I dont feel hungry so not in the mood for eating.

i actually dont know what to do besides drawing and streaming....

well, i still can take a walk right?

i got ready and went out for a walk. i did brought my sketchbook and yk, some normal art supplies.

i sat on a bench and start sketching the park, then drew the luxiem members, including me.

i wonder how they're doing. hope they're fine.. maybe they will be back on the last day.

The next 2 days left. im lazy asf

Just greatt, tomorrow's school, being alone was not that bad but also not that good. i still didnt get any messages from them. i sighed, maybe they are having fun with eachother.

"wifi is not on, cannot load" i read after i opened an app. I went to turn it on and i saw dnd also being on.. did i clicked dnd instead of wifi yesterday? i then turned off dnd and turned on my internet

i went on discord and luca actually messaged me for the past 4 days.. i click his profile/our dms and they were having so much fun.

"we went to this cool restaurant! but without you it feels boring :(" day 1

"A random picture to show ya! vox is flirting with mysta like usual, maybe ike too ehe" day 2

"mysta got us on trouble!! thats so unpog of him >:(" yesterday

"we met a genshin cosplayer!!! wooo!! cant wait to see you today!!" today

i giggled while reading the messages, i then replied

"woohoo!! hope you guys have a fun trip there :) and i also cant wait to see you guys too <33 also sorry for not replying, i didn't know i had dnd on :'("

i then closed my phone and started doing chores.

Later at 3 pm

i started sketching this art to show them at like, when it was 9 i think..just finished the sketch like 1 hour ago and now im painting it.

6 hours later

i feel sleepy.. coloring is TIRING. but its almost done! just more coffee and then im done.

Just right after i finish, i felt my eyes closing.

Luca's pov:

Finally we reached our house! we called sonny, my cousin to help us since our car is still at the house. I checked the time and it was 11 pm i thought, shu must be asleep, right?

After we got home, we packed our stuff and we had gifts for shubert! we slowly open shu's door and we saw him sleeping on his chair. we went over and saw a masterpiece! aww he drew a painting of us! "wow.. that's such a good painting!" mysta excitingly said, "i know right!" ike complimented. We were all amazed.

i gave the painting to vox cause i want to put shu on his bed.

I pick him up and blush a little when i saw him sleeping in my hands, i laid him down and what the hell was that feeling before? i never felt like that before.. yes i do "flirt" girls online, and maybe boys too- but i never felt anything like that!

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