Extra Chapter (thats not related)

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[This was when they were young, like in pre-school.]

"Where are youu?~" Shu shouted, they are playing hide and seek. While walking around the park/playground, he spotted a bright yellow shirt that seems like Luca's. He slowly approach it and tagged Luca! "Ah you got me again!" Luca saddens. He sadly sat on the swings and watches Shu tries to seek for his friends and his brother.

After 9 minutes, Shu has found Ike and Mysta! The only one left is Vox. Shu only got 5 more minutes to find him. He thought, where would Vox hide? Shu checks behind bushes and looks up at every tree he stumbled into. He thinks harder, maybe a dark place? Or a higher place? Or both?

But in the end, Vox was in the bathroom. Shu was flabbergasted, "You smell." Ike said, "I know!" He smiled but Vox wasn't that smelly. The teacher called them and told Vox to take a shower, Vox took his dark red bag and searched for his extra clothes and pants. He found one and took it with him, to the showering room.

Luca and Shu are chatting about Luca's amazing fantasizes, Mysta and Ike are having fun. While Shu and Luca were talking, a kid comes up to them and were being a big meanie to Shu.

Mysta heard what he said to Shu and ran to Shu, "Hey go away!" Mysta hissed, "Why are you protecting this sorcerer? He might cast a spell on you!" The kid said angrily, "No he won't! He's friendly! Unlike you" Luca replied, "Kids, what is going on here?" The teacher asked politely, "He was being a meanie to my friend!" Luca answered, Mysta nodded after. "N-no I wasn't!" The kid denied, Vox and Ike then joins in. "He was, miss. We saw it." Says Ike. "Gabriel, you know it's not ok to be a bully to the other kids. If you do it again, I will call your mother." The teacher warned him. "O-ok.." The kid mumbled, sounding like he wanted to cry. "Now go apologize to Shu, would ya?" The teacher smiled, "I'm sorry.. Shu." Gabriel apologized, "It's ok!" Shu replied, smiling softly at him. Luca still clinging to Shu, stares at Gabriel menacingly. The teacher left and so did Gabriel.

"You're safe now, Shu!" Luca said happily, "Yeahh!" Mysta cheered. Shu thanked them for helping him. "Now let go of my brother!" Mysta shouted, not loudly though. "No!! He's mine!!" Luca sticks out his tounge after, Shu blushed a little and laughed. "Hey I said let go of my brother!" Mysta said pulling Shu's other hand.

And this situation would go on and on every year.

They are now adults, Mysta thought Luca had stopped clinging and crushing on shu since he lacked giving Shu cute and loving attention but oh boy he was wrong. Luca had asked Shu on a date and they went on a date together. They did noticed Mysta spying on them, i mean, all the luxiem members ahem. Till the end of the day, they watched the sunset together. "Hey Shu?" Luca said softly and faced Shu, "Yes?" Shu replied, "Since Mysta, Ike and Vox are spying on us, can I do something?" Luca asked, "Oh yeah sure!" Shu agreed, curious on what he's gonna do.

Luca softly placed his hand on Shu's cheek and kissed him, the kiss caught Shu off-guard. The other 3 was shocked. Luca stopped and said the 3 words, "I love you."

Shu was flustered and was trying to process what the heck just happened. "I-I love you too, Luca." He replied. Luca was smiling, then he kissed Shu again. This time Shu kissed him back. "WHAAATT?!" Mysta yelled, then fainted.

the end lol

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