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shuca moment!! I just realized I deleted the whole thing ... oopsie

Anyways its probably and totally not because of 2022 me writing the most random shit to happen to my pookie😊

anyways chapter will be inspired by Dandelions by Ruth B because I just love that song.



ime skip to the weekend.
The group decided to have a calming moment with eachother. Shu suggested they should all go to a dandelions field and have a picnic. The others absolutely loves it. They all discussed what time and stuff like that.
But seems like someone isnt focusing. Guess who? 😊

Luca Kaneshiro.

Luca kept getting distracted by Shu's beauty.
His mind repeating his name being said by Shu Yamino.
What is this feeling? Some funny game?
Whatever it is, he's good at it.
He's never known anybody like Him.
Even in his sleeps, Shu Yamino Haunts him. Living rent free on his mind allll dayy.

"Luca dear, you should remember that a true love will only come once in a lifetime." His mother smiled, "but mom.. how am I suppose to find them..?" Luca asked. "Let's see.." His mother mumbled as she closes her eyes. "A boy.. caring, nice, smart and kind-hearted.. dark haired.. nice smile.." his mother said, "you will meet them in the future, and he's your best friend

Luca's pretty sure the one Mother described was Him. He matched with everything his mother said.

It was 4:30 pm, the group then went to the dandelions field near their town and was amazed by the beauty of nature. They had fun making flower crowns, of course they didn't take it only in one spot, or else there will be a hole.. (They asked for permissions!!)

Luca and Shu were playing Tag, they were having much fun than the 3, softly smiling at eachother, running and chasing like cats and mouse. Luca was getting closer and closer and caught Shu, but he jumped on shu which making them fell but they just laughed it off. "You're  quite fast!" Shu smiled, " I know !" Luca grinned, Shu laughed, Luca admired Shu's beauty, wishing on every one that he will be his. Luca can see that their friendship will last forever just by looking at Shu's lavender eye. He felt warmth and happy jusy by lookingat Shu's smile. They laid next to eachother, both praying to God that one day they will be there for eachother.

too lazy to continue, im cold, my blanket is stolen by my 6 years old brother, my fingers are freezing 🥶 thats crazyyy🤯
pls dont mind the fact the next chapter might be hella sad after they js hungout at a dandelions field bc i havent edited that yet


+Shu :3

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