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Tomorrow, Wednesday.

Shu's pov:

nyawh.. i opened my eyes and it was still dark outside.. i checked the time and it was 5 am, oh lol. i got up and suddenly felt chills, as if someone is spying on me. i looked around, every corner and no one, i cant use my power right now since im still very tired.  i rubbed my eyes and stepped off my bed to get some water

i opened my door and walk to the kitchen, "shu."

huh? i looked behind and no one was there, what the hell? i brushed it off and walk to my room, closed my door and sat on my bed, i was looking at my phone and tweet "eyyyyyyy 5 am pog" 

some comments were wondering why im awake at 5 am lmao, i just scroll down in twitter and  there was a message from an unknow user, "Hello SHU, I am Į̸̡͓̝̰̝̳̝̙̠͉͇̈́͐̒́̐̾̐͛͒͆̓̋̋͊̅͂̇̈́̄͘͝Ņ̴̧͓͖̹̘̝̙̬̯̦̺̫͍̲̲̝̒͗͒̅̔͐̋̀́͐̄̄̑̐̊̾̚͝Ȁ̴̡̛̱̯̝̣̖͖̘̬̞̮̟̼̪͉̫͙̒̊̀̂͗̈͂̔͆͐̃͗̿̆̆̃̑͒͂͑̐̕̕͝͝͝͝ͅ! I Like Your Videos And It Never Fails To Make Me Laugh! Though, I Really Don't Like You Collabing With.. Luca, He's Really Annoying And All.. But Whatever.."

Huh.. i ignored it and its currently 5:50 am now, almost 6 am

i just watched some clips of nijisanjien through out the nigh- i mean day

7:00 am.

The others finally woke up, i got ready and ate some toast before going out to take a walk

After all that, i tidied up my shoes and left. it was quite awkward since i left this house, feels great to be here again

"Shu!" Luca shouted, "oh, hi luca" I greeted, "Heya shu, can i join you?" Luca asks, "oh yeah, sure!" I replied, we then walk and talk what we've done these past few years before we reunited again.

"Haha.. uh.. shu?" luca mumbled, "hmph? What is it?" I said as i faced him, "do you really mean it?" Luca asks, what? "what do you mean?" I ask, "That you, like me.." Luca replied, facing the opposite side of me. "i- uhm.. yeah.. i do, i really enjoyed the moments we had together" i admitted, luca's eyes widen, i blushe and looked down in embarrassment.

then his hand hold my chin, making me look at his face

"Well shubert, i also like you. I've been holding this feelings ever since we met. You've changed my life and i dont who i am without you, you made me feel special. Your kindness just made me fall harder for you, so.. would you like to be my boyfriend?" Luca asks, i stood there, blushing real hard. "i-i" i stuttered

i hugged him and said yes, "you dont know how long i've been wanting you to say that" i said

"hehe, same goes for you" Luca replied, "may i take you out for a date?"

"Yes please" i agreed, luca hold my hand and we walked to this cafe.

there was shoto and vox there! shoto saw us and waved at us, inviting us to their table

"shu! over here!!" Shoto said, we went to their table and took a seat

"so, how did it go?" vox asked, looking at luca, "it went perfect, thanks vox" luca answered, i smiled. "mhhmm, double date i see?" Mysta smirked, "m-mysta!" shoto stuttered.

i laughed, "oh mysta.." ike sighed, we ordered our food and got em right away.

we also talked and vox just kept flirting with shoto, ofc, tsundere shoto is activated, lmao


the others left and luca wanted to bring me somewhere

i was curious so i followed him.

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