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shu's pov:

myah.. i woke up to the sound of the alarm and closed it,  i got up and got ready.

i walked outside my room and there will always be chaos at the living room, vox teasing ike, ike making a flushed face and a tsundere face at the same time, mika hanging out with mysta and luca admiring his boobs. i sighed, i made my coffee and a toast with strawberry jam.

"goodmorning, shubert!" luca said behind me as he puts his hand on my shoulder, "oh hello luca" i replied, "you woke up pretty, welll- i guess late? did you slept late last night?" he asked, "yeah... i was doing something" i answered.

"my shubert have to get enough sleep, but what time did you sleep?" he asks again, "i think like, 5 or 6 am.." i said as i rubbed my eyes after thinking, i didnt check the time but it was surely almost turning day

then i felt like a hand touches my legs, after, it was luca picking me up, "h-hey what are you doing, luca?!" i said with a panicking tone, "you have to get enough sleep" he said as he runs into his bedroom, i think everyone saw that. i hid my face from embarrassment. i also heard mika saying "woah new ship alert"

this was before they became popular

he then put me on his bed, "you didnt have to do that..." i mumbled, "but i did!" he said, he layed on the bed and pulled me closer. it was like, we were cuddling.

i blushed even more, it could be a embarrassed blush or a shy blush.

or blush blush ehe

but i do feel like my eyes were closing, and then it did. i fell asleep, with luca's hands on me.

later at 8pm.

i woke up and didnt remember what happened, i looked around and then i remembered. i started blushing harder. did i really sleep with him? i thought, "oh you're awake, shu!" someone said behind me, i just woke up so i couldn't hear it clearly but it definitely wasnt luca

i look behind and there was ike, "oh.. hello, ike. what time is it?" i ask, "its 8pm, luca is going to practice his acting since summer break is about to be over." ike said

oh, i checked the timer and we only have 4 days left until school. "i might as well start drawing, i havent drew for days since summer break haha" i giggled. "oh and thanks for the coffee"

"no problem!" ike said

i took the coffee and went to my room. i put my coffee on the table and started drawing

okay, thank god i wasnt artblocked. i drew luca in chibi, but also drew the other luxiem members.

i drank the coffee and kept drawing more.


oh wait a minute.. what time is it? i checked the time and it was 3:57 am.. 😶

i must have forgot about reality and kept drawing... ehe

luca could be sleeping right now, maybe i should sleep. but i dont feel tired right now.

i kept drawing more art and at this point, it was already morning later

3 days left until summer break

i got out and ike was readying suitcase, "where are you going?" i ask, "did you forget? oh wait... you were asleep— anyways, we are going on a vacation, luca also agreed btw" ike said, oh, luca's going too?

"what about you?" he asks, "wait, what place are you going to anyways?"i asked.

"hm.. we are going to visit japan, i mean.. im suree it will be fine!" ike said, "ah— okay, have fun" i said, "wait, are you not going?" ike asks in concern. "yeah, i just wanna stay here. is it okay?" i said, "u-uhm yeah, its fine" ike said

"i mean, you guys can speak the language already right? you guys have been practicing with pronunciation hehe" i said, "hey look, we arent gonna use you to read stuff for us just because you're japanese, we just wanna have fun" ike said, "no- i didnt mean it like that! but i have to go so you can continue doing your thing" i said before i left.

i sighed, "goodmorning shu!" a manly voice was heard behind me, "goodmorning luca" i said, "are you going?" luca asks, "well, no.." i replied, "what why?" luca ask again, "its nothing!! i just wanna stay home, you have fun with your trip" i said giving an excuse, someone is bothering me ..

"oh.. okay, stay safe at home okay?" he said, i nodded, i gave him a smile before heading to my room.

i closed the door and i could hear the sadness in luca's tone. i'm sorry luca.

a few minutes later

i can hear them going out right now, im still in my room drawing and painting

oh wait! i still haven't eat breakfast

i ran outside and ate my toast, it seems like everyone left already. as i was going to the bathroom, i saw a note on my door, how have i not see this before? i took it and read it, oh, its just a goodbye note from luca. i put it on my desk and went to the bathroom to take a shower


it was kinda boring, but i heard a knock. i ran to the door and it was noctyx, "oh, hi there! do you guys want something?" i asked, "welll, we i mean alban heard that you were alone. so we want to accompany you!!" sonny said, "ah— well sure! i mean, its pretty boring here." i replied

the noctyx came in and we played while streaming, we had pretty much fun!


they left and i was alone now, hm.. maybe i should do a qna live/stream!

i then go live on youtube, with the title, "qna time!"

i answered some questions on twitter and there was a question, "hey shu! where are the others?"

others? oh, do they mean the luxiem members beside me? i answered with "they went on a vacation, im sure they forgot to tell you guys!"

after that, i kept answering more questions and i said goodbye to my viewers, i ended the live and got on bed.

it was 9pm now, i feel tired so i slept.

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