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"Rei? Ron? What are you guys doing here?" Shu asks, "No, what are YOU doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" Rei asks, "Rei be nice to your brother! We just got him back" The King shouted

"Brother?!" Both rei and shu said, ron was just looking at him with wide eyes. but then ran to the bathroom

oh shit, sweet home alabam-

anyways, i can totally tell shu is disgusted bc ron is his brother ANDHISFIRSTKISSS

ahem, When their parents left. it was a very awkward moment for three of them, the others left due to embarrassment and shu sighed.

being named shuo is kinda cool ngl

shu sat on the nearest sofa and sighed again, "why did they took me back? weren't i just a useless child to them? weird" shu said, useless child? then there were bodyguards coming towards shu and took him to, idk.. we followed him and there was a huge cage.. what? what the actual fuck is this?

they threw shu in there and left

shu was visibly confused and touched the cage, he then flinched and injured himself

i look around and make sure no one is near or watching

"coast clear" i said quietly, we ran to him and he saw us, "guys?! what are you doing here?" shu asked, i touched the gate and surprisingly, i didnt get tazed

me and shu looked at eachother confusingly, ike got it and explained

"oh.. i see.. you guys should escape from here, just leave me here" shu said sadly, "no! i'm not leaving my brother behind!" mysta said

"w-what? after all these years of how i treated you guys, you still wanted to protect me?" Shu said with wide eyes

"Of course, shu. You're still the most seiso friend in our group, aha. Just kidding, you're still our bestfriend, and maybe boyfriens to luca" Vox jokingly said, "vox!" ike punched vox, "guys hide!" shu said, we all turned around and quickly hid

"well well well, look who is stuck behind that cage?" Rei laughed, "Just a reminder that we were just faking our feelings towards you. everything we did was all an act" Ron said, "it was father's command, after all~"

Mysta was about to throw hands but ike stopped him, not wanting rei and ron knowing we are here

"Oh and remember that friend group of yours? We made your friendship with them broken on purpose, so you can be alone. Father's command was to make you su..icide but our task failed. Now that you're here, looks like we wont have to worry anymore" Rei shrugged

Tch, how annoying. "But dont worry!!! Your "boyfriend" is gonna totally save you, ha! i bet he forgot about you and moved on. isnt that's what you use to think? You thought that they will move on and forget about you as you watch them be happy? Oh how sad!" Rei laughed again, "nothing to say hm?"

"cringe" shu replied, i almost burst out laughing as rei looked offended, "oh how rude! i expected a crybaby shu, cant believe we wasted our poor words on this worthless being~!" rei pleaded, "okay... that was totally cringeworthy— i was also thinking to leave you guys but you guys looks like one of those people who will beg me to stay or whatevs, so i just did nothing~ well, are you just gonna stand there and trashtalk me while im in this anti sorcerer cage? how funny!! You look extraa goofy standing there and doing nothing. Plus, ron's a bad kisser, rei you're a bad actor, same goes to ron. Just a reminder, maybe if you guys check on me if i were asleeo before you guys started trashtalking" Shu said

shu kept continuing and woah, i never seen him this pog before! ike was totally flabbergasted, mysta was proud and so was vox

i've already called the others for backup and they're on their way right now

"So i—" Shu was cut off by ron, "j-just shut up! geez you're annoying! No wonder father didnt took care of you when you were young and called you a useless human being and i really do hope your friends forget that you existed!" Ron yelled.

"wanna know what else father called you?

A useless human being, a worthless child, the most annoying ass child he had ever seen, hah, even worse, mother also said that you were just a failure, she just pretend to be nice to you so she can get close to you. Mother also wished that you weren't her son

Oh and i heard your friends gossiping about you

they said something about how annoying you are and how you were such a boring friend to them" Ron said.

shu finally looked like he was shot, we never said he was annoying or boring... "they.. did?" Shu mumbled, oh no.. please don't tell me shu believe ron

"Of course they did! So why not join us and take revenge, they even had so much fun without you." Rei said as she puts her hand looking towards shu. "i.."

"No.!" Shu refused, "they would never say that! Geez they were right, you guys are fake asses."

"G-" Rei was cutted off by the sound of a alarm, "Intruders had broken in! Warning! Intruders !"

Great! They're here!

Rei and ron ran away, We all ran to shu and told him to not get near the laser since vox is gonna tear the cage

Vox uses his strength and there was a huge hole, shu walked through and he knows where the exit was. We all followed shu and Mrs. Namiyo and Mr. Namiyo was right there, "shuo namiyo! where do you think you're going?!" She yelled, "somewhere i wont see you hoe!" Shu shouted, that was incredibly hot i mean pog!!

After all that, we finally escaped

the others also escaped, some are injured. but as long as everyone escape, we are okay. i checked every place and it seems like its fine

we got back to the city and knowing we had to go somewhere else again, i sighed. shu hugged me and told me not to worry

"how come im not worried?! What if they took you again?" I ask, "its fine luca, calm down" shu replied, it was a 2 hour drive since we used the other way, the reason was there were guards guarding at the entrance.

so we and the others used a different route.

After 2 hours

We're finally back home. Shu fell asleep so i had to carry him to his room, i picked him up and carefully walked to his bedroom.

I put him on his bed, and then i left. It was nighttime already, i head to bed and slept, maybe tomorrow will finally be a good day, hanging out.. with shu.

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