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Tomorrow, 9 am

I woke up feeling like i was squeezed, "eh?" i look up and saw luca.

i tried moving but it just brings me closer to his mouth and booba, i blushed even hard when i noticed our mouth was close



i looked at our door and Mysta and Vox was watching us cuddling, "look at the two cuddling" Vox said, "mysta! vox! help me!" i shouted 'quietly'

"but you guys look so cute!!" mysta teased, "shu!!" petra's voice was heard outside the room

"mysta? vox? what are you guys doi-" petra ask then faced the direction of me and luca

"Shu?!" Petra called out my name in a shocking tone, "petwa help— i like your new outfit and hairstyle btw" i asked for help and complimented her after, "why didnt you help your brother?!" petra asked mysta, "they looked cute together!" mysta replied, petra then glare at him

"fine fine" mysta sighed, he then walked to me and helped me get out. "thank you" i said, "Hey mysta, wanna go hangout with shoto?" Vox asked, "oh yeah sure!" mysta agreed and they both headed outside. "mggh.. shu?" luca mumbles, "hm?" i faced towards him as i let out a hum. "im just gonna leave you guys here, elira invited me to hangout today. bye shu," petra waved and left the room.

"Shu.. come back" Luca said as he reach his hands out, "luca.. its 9:56 am now.." i replied, "hmph.. now you made me sadge :c' Luca whines as he turned around facing the wall. 

i looked at his schedule, "hey luca, don't you have a collab stream today?" i asked, "oh shoot! i forgot about it" luca quickly gets up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I laughed and waited for luca to finish so i can go shower.

After a few minutes pass by, he was already ready and ate a quick breakfast then finally rushed to his desk to stream. I was also done readying to go walk at the park to get some fresh air, ah~ i love fresh air

I ate toasts and tidied up my shus👟, i ran outside and went to the nearest park.

i also brought an umbrella with me incase the weather suddenly turns bad and i might not make it to my house-

i sat on the swings under the tree because its the most fascinating place, isnt it? swinging under the tree, a huge tree shielding you from the sunlight.

just then, i heard a kid sobbing behind me, maybe further back.

I got off and went to check it out, i found the kid crying, he was wearing a dark blue hoodie and light blue jeans.

"Hey kiddo, are you okay?" I asked as i touched his shoulder, "w-wah?! who are y-you?!" the kid flinched and looked at me scared, "Im shu, shu yamino. Why are you crying? Where's your guardian?" I asked, "I-i dont have a guardian.. t-they all abandoned me!" The kid cried, " I see.. whats your name, kid?" i asked again, "e-eugeo.." He replied, "well eugeo, do you want to stay with me?"

"are you kind..? will you abandon me and leave me on the streets?" the kid asked before choosing, "well— i guess you can say im kind! And I wont leave you at the streets, you will meet lots of my friends at home!" I answered, "Huh.. i.. fine, i will go with you, please take me home. Mr. shu.." Eugeo hugged me as his cries starts to dry out. "I will, lets go home eugeo!" i said as i picked him up


We were at home and i rushed to my bedroom, i showered eugeo and i gave him a comfortable outfit i used to wear when i was a teenager. "Hey eugeo, how old are you?" I asked, "i-im 10.." he replied, "you look quite tall to be 10, i thought you were 12 or 13!" i said in a shocking tune, "Mr. shu.. can we eat something? im hungry.." Eugeo said as he softly grabbed my shirt, "yeah sure!" i replied

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