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forgot to mention this but will be adding it now in desc 2

people who are mentioned in this story will not be in character:')


later at night.

all of us got into our pj and is in ike's room, mysta suggested that we should play t or d

"ok, vox, truth or dare?" ike asked, "hm, dare" he replied

"i dare you to say vox yashiro is the real vox" ike said, "oh what. fine


"hehe i couldn't think of anything" ike said, "anyways, mysta. t or d" vox asked

"uhhhhhhh truth" mysta shrugged, "is it true you flirted with shoto before.." vox said glaring at mysta, "yes- i mean no" mysta replied

"calm down vox, its just how you flirted with me when shoto is not around." ike sighed, "hm.."

"yeah haha- anyways, shu? t or d" mysta asked, "uh, i guess .. truth?" i replied

"when did you start liking luca?" he asked, i blushed and replied, "huh.. maybe when we started hanging out.."


we kept playing it and laughing

"hey, should we become our alter egos?!" mysta asked, everyone was not sure about it since..

hikarino was fine by it so i agreed

"you sure?" luca asked, "yeah, mine's just cold and sometimes calm. not like yours" i said, "hmph, rude" he replied

everyone agreed since they've talked with their alter egos to not do something very bad.. the reason mysta asked us that cause he knows about our alter egos' problems and their broken friendship

"ok hikarino, we're changing now" i said in my mind

i change first and then it was luca's turn

later on, our alter egos were in our body.

"ha~ it feels nice to be here again" rias said, "why do i have to meet you guys again.." eki mumbled, "such a rude thing to say to your genmates, isn't it?" box replied, "not like i care" eki rolled his eyes.

"hm~? mysta said we have to hangout for atleast 1 day without making troubles.." rias said, "as if i would hangout with you guys" kanekuro shrugged, "but i would hangout with hikarino~" he said

hikarino looked at him confusingly, well, all of them looked at kanekuro

"what did you just say?" eki asked in a shocking tone, "are you deaf? i said i would hangout with hikarino" kanekuro said, "what's up with you today? not what i expected from a crazed mafia" box said, "whatever, i'm just gonna go out of this room." hikarino said as he stood up and left

god damnit mysta, "why did you even put me near them.." hikarino said to me, "you can literally hear our conversation. its obvious"

"such a dumb idea" hikarino mumbles, "hey, what happened right after i woke up?" i asked, "we just talked, that's all." he said, "why?"

"oh- uhm nothing!!" i replied, "they're prob having fun right now." hikarino said

"i think its better if we change right now" he said, "they all want shu yamino, not shu hikarino."

"if you say so.." i mumbled, we then changed.

i walk to the room and went to take a peek if they still haven't changed, guess not.

i left the room and walk outside, "hey, why are we outside?" hikarino asked, "too nervous to go near them" i replied

"but atleast we're away from them, right?" i said, "yeah..be careful out there" hikarino said, "will do"

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