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(no smut, angst first😎)

The silence filled the room, did eugeo called luca dad?

Mysta looked at me and luca back and fourth, smirked after

I felt my face turn red, Luca was surprised. "u-uhm, yeah! sure!" Luca stuttered.

Eugeo smiled, "yay!!" He happily jumps and ran to hug luca

"thank you dad!! you were also cool carrying papa out of that smoking house!" Eugeo said.

Eugeo's happy.. I smiled, "but you better take care of papa.." Eugeo threatened luca, suddenly looks deadly to Luca.

He gulped, "I-i will, eugeo! I will take very good care of papa." Luca said, eugeo then went back to his happy mode.

"he learns this from shu.." Luca mumbles.

I chuckled, maybe he did LOL. Ah, it just gave me nostalgia of past me doing that to mysta's new friend who looked like a jerk back in kindergarten. "guess we will go back to our original house, our dang stuff." I sighed, "Oh about our stuff, the person who did the fire is caring enough to pack our shirts and stuff in many suitcases. We still haven't found who made the fire. Strange, isn't it?" Mysta said.

Huh.. what kind of person who saves our stuff and burns our house down? I nodded slowly and i felt a slightly burn on my right leg, guess my right leg got caught on fire—

3rd Person's View:

After a few days, Shu was fully healed and went back to the original house.

He knocked on the door and was greeted by Mysta and Luca, He was later on greeted by Vox and Ike.

He went inside his room, it's very clean. Did Ike and Vox clean his room? I mean, Shu did saw the both of them getting out of the room.

Shu shrugged it off and went to pack his stuff.

While packing, he saw a note hidden under his favorite clothing.

He picked it up and reads it.

"Be aware, Shu Yamino. I'm Always Watching."

What the hell? he thought, getting goosebumps after reading.

He did felt like he was being watched the whole time. Wait, does that mean whoever is it saw his..🐔

Shu immediately brush it off, not wanting to think more of it.

He continued packing his stuff.

After finishing, he found 3 more notes while packing.

He went to read it.

Note 2nd:

"I want you."

Note 3rd:

"You will forever be mine, You deserve me more than Luca."

Note 4th:

"Stay away from Luca, otherwise I will make him stay away from you."

Great, now he's got a creepy stalker. Shu gulped, he got up and hesitated before telling Luca. What if they might hurt Luca? What if They took me far away from Luca?

So many questions going around his thoughts, but one question caught his attention.

'What if they will make Luca hate me? Forever.?'

Shu was scared to death, he loves luca, luca loves him. Shu was honestly stuck with this thought.

He flinched after someone touches his shoulder, it was just mysta. "Oh, mysta! Why are you here?" Shu said trying to not let mysta notice his weird behavior.

Shu doesn't want Mysta to get hurt, honestly, he doesn't want anyone to get hurt. After talking with Mysta for awhile, Mysta left and Shu quickly hid the 3 notes in a drawer.

It was a drawer for him to place his Paintings.

He felt a strange feeling, like someone is behind him. Watching him, everywhere.

"Just who are you." Shu mumbles.

The sorcerer went ahead to drink some water, it was afternoon. Shu looks around and tried to find the stalker, it failed.

Shu got nervous, "Shu!" Luca called out his name, Shu wanted to wave back but he remembers the note. "I-I uhm, I gotta go. Sorry Luca." Shu panicked and ran to his room, leaving Luca all alone and confused.

Shu locked his room and sighed, 'Guess I will have to ignore him for a lot of days.' Shu thought.

As he opens his eyes again, a note appeared on his desk.

'What a good boy, I actually don't like it when you're around with any males. So, will you stay away from them?'

Now they just made it even more difficult. Shu thought it was a prank, but the feelings of someone watching him made him doubt it was a prank.

the past few days, he always felt someone touching him when asleep. He also found a mark on his thighs the next day he woke up.

That was before, Why must it be him? Why me? Shu thought.

He literally just got out of the hospital, now he is being stalk? What the hell.

Shu wanted to scream, but he can't.

The next day had passed, shu has been thinking something. Has someone put a curse on him? Did Shu accidentally used a dangerous curse?

Shu is outside atm, trying to dodge every male friends he has.

He was walking past an alley until he heard a 'Help me!' in an alleyway. It had a danger sign and a note tapped on the wall.

'Never trust the calling, ignore when heard.'

Shu thought, 'what if there was actually someone there?'

He didn't want to go back to the hospital again, he wanted to keep that promise.

So he chose to ignore it, feeling guilty not being able to help whoever is down that alley.

Shu yawns, he's been lonely throughout the day. Ignoring his friends and messages they had sent.

Dodging every questions from females that had ask him why he has been ignoring his friends with "🤔"

Shu felt lost in his world,

When it was night, he would go to bed early.

Luca came to his room and saw shu sleeping way too early, it was unusual of him to always go to bed early.

Luca was starting to get impatient, he wanted to hold shu's hand and cuddle with him. Why is shu ignoring him? He also noticed that it looked forced.

But for what reason? Who or what forced Shu to ignore every male friends shu has?

But the next day was something luca did not expect. Shu has gone missing.?!

Again? Why does this world wants to make him suffer?

They were looking everywhere.

Meanwhile with shu, he woke up being tied against a chair. His legs and his stomach was revealing, shu cant see but he can feel it. His eyes were covered, so was his mouth.

"My my~ My beloved has finally woken up!" A male voice echoed through the room, Shu was curious who it was. He's never heard this voice before, though, it's very similar to Eki but deeper.

"Curious on who i am?" The male asked, Shu nodded.

"It's someone from highschool, the one who target certain people in your group." The male said, "My initial starts with M, you might remember me. Goodluck trying to remember me, you will probably be surprise."

M..? Uh..

From highschool..

"Oh and one last hint, remember the cabin?" The male asked, shu nodded as reply.

"Thats where we last saw eachother." He said.


Is he MIKE?!

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