After meetings.

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Parrrrrttttt 2 💗💗
I have like loads of ideas for different stories but i'll finish this first<333

Giyu walked home thinking about how oblivious he was to reject Sanemi.He decided that tomorrow he would ask to go get ohangi to make up for it.

He would fall asleep with a slight smile on his face.

The next morning.

Giyu would wake up, the latter couldn't stop thinking about what he was going to say to Shinazugawa.

The hashiras had a meeting in a few hours so he went to go visit Tanjiro and the others.

*By a lake*
Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, Zenistu and Genya where there, Inosuke and Nezuko were off kicking rocks some where and Giyu had just arrived, to be honest he thought it was only going to be Tanjiro and Nezuko but it didnt bother him.

"Hey Tomioka!! Hey you asked him yet!?" Tanjiro shouted in his happy voice.
"Asked who what?.." Genya said grumpily.
"Giyu was going to ask Shinazugawa out since he rejected him yesterday!" Tanjiro said.
"HE WHAT!?!" Zenistu shouted.
"HE REJECTED MY BROTHER?." Genya shouted aswell giving Giyu a death glare.
"He's your brother?.." Giyu said obliviously.
"You guys! He didnt do it on purpose!!"Tanjiro stated trying to calm them down.

Genya confessional:

I already hate that bitch.
Its weird because i've never heard Sanemi talk about him..

"I do have a meeting in a few hours.. i'll ask him then.." Giyu said quietly, everyone else still heard though.
Zenistu was there in shock and Genya was scowling and Giyu.
"I wish you luck Tomioka!!" Tanjiro said happily.

*a few hours went by*

"I should probably be heading to the Ubayakashi estate now, last time i was late they made me train the new slayers." Giyu hated training it was too much energy for him.
"Good luck Tomioka!!" Tanjiro squeeled
Nezuko waved good bye and Genya scowled at him again.

Giyu would make his way over to the masters estate, once he arrived there with everyone else he would sit under a tree in silence and wait for the master to come out.He would spot Sanemi and stare at him for a few minutes but quickly turn away before anyone noticed.

(The master would walk in and they would all kneel.)

"Hello my darling children, im glad to see that you are all in great health." Kagaya said in his beautiful voice.
"WELCOME MA—" Misturi was cut off (Again)
"SHITTTT" Misturi shouted angrily

Sanemi confessional:

Over my dead body will i let that doe-eyed demon slayer beat me.

Ubayakashi: confessional:

I will tell them one of these days that they can all greet me if they wish too. They really are all naive.

"Anyway, i have a few missions for all of you!!
Rengoku and Misturi head west , there are reports of young woman going missing, Giyu and Sanemi head north towards a large city there are reports of dead bodies and finally Shinobu andMuichiro will head south for a large forest." Kagaya stated.

All of the hashira agreed and started heading home expect the ones who had been assigned missions.

Sanemi Pov:

I could see out of the corner of my eye Giyu had started to walk off, i follow after him a bit frustrated because of yesterday.

I decided too follow the raven haired man wondering what would actually happen if they went out.. I shook those thoughts away. I'm not gay, at least i dont think so.

No pov.

Sanemi was in day dream while they were running towards there destination.

A few hours later they had arrived (its like the Entertainment District arc place) Giyu couldnt stop staring at everything and Sanemi couldnt stop staring at Giyu until Giyu noticed him staring and quickly turned his head away.

It was the middle of the day so no demon would be active right now, although the city never sleeps so this would be the best place for a demon to hide.

"Hey Shinazugawa." Giyu said faintly.
Sanemi quickly turned his head towards Giyu.
"Hm?." The white haired male said.
"Wanna go find some ohagi, i feel bad about yesterday tanjiro explained too me that you we—" Giyu was cut off by sanemi, the purple eyes man grabbed Giyus pale hand and said.
"Shut the fuck up and lets go." He would walk angrily towards some street food stalls.
Giyu didnt ask any questions but just get dragged along by the angry male.
They waited in line for a few minutes and Giyu orded some fried smoked salmon and Sanemi ordered some ohagi.

A few minutes pass by and a girl walks up to Giyu and starts talking to him.

"H-hey!.. i'm Yuki!! I saw you from over there!.. *she points towards the mochi stall* wanna come get some mochi wirh me?" The girl said in a nervous voice.

Giyu was confused and stayed silent for about 30 seconds until he answered.
"Oh.. sure." Giyu would get up to leave and would hear her voice again.
"Whats your name by the way!!" Yuki said in her sweet voice.
Suddenly another voice butted in, it was an angry but slightly jealous sound.

"Shut the fuck up and mind your own business." Sanemi said angrily. He was jealous, way too jealous but he didnt know why.
Yuki would stare at Sanemi in shock and so would Giyu.
"O-oh.. sorry!! Maybe that was a bit forward—" The girl was cut off by Sanemi again.

"It was forward, now run off before a make you." Sanemi growled.
Yuki would walk off and glare at Sanemi, the white haired male knew she'd be back at one point he saw Giyu staring at him with an annoyed look on his face.
"What was that for?" Giyu asked, he didnt want to be mad since he didnt really want to go and get mochi with her anyway.
Sanemi just sat there quietly.. he didnt know why he did that all he could think about was if Giyu has a girlfriend already.

A few hours would pass and Sanemi had gotten a lil drunk, he didnt even think about the demon all he could think about was Giyu ans he wanted him to piss off.

Giyu was making sure Sanemi didnt fall over, most of his attention was on trying to find that demon.He didn't expect what was about to happen, not one bit.


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