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I did make a different story but i dont like how t turned out soooo i made this one<33333
this is a COMPLETELY new story so its not related to the other ones btw💌

It was the day after Giyu and Sanemi did 'it' and Giyu was talking to Shinobu at the ubayakashi estate and Uzui heard them talking.

*Giyu sigh*

Shinobu-'Are you just going to keep sighing or are you going to tell me whats up?'

Giyu-'Huh.. talking to me?.'

Shinobu-'You've sighed like 10 times in the past 5 minutes.'

Uzui-'Whats going on here?'

Shinobu-'Giyu here was just about to tell me whats wrong.'

Uzui-'Oh cool, well whats up Giyu?'

Giyu-'i dont think it would be appropriate to talk about this at work.'

Shinobu-'hmm.. so you've got issues with Shinazugawa.'

Uzui-'Oh my god kocho you are so right, what did he do? what did Sanemi do? do i have to beat him up for you?

Giyu-'What no, well i mean i dont know its—'

Shinobu-'The faster you say it the faster we can get this conversation over with.'

Uzui-'Damn girl, listen was it something that Sanemi did while y'all were in bed or something, is that why you dont wanna tell us?'

Giyu-'..' He would stay silent.

Shinobu-'oo, now what does that mean?'

Uzui-'You know what Sanemi was telling me about this about how like it was y'alls first timeee and he was kinda nervous about it and all'

Giyu-'Great. Well uhm its just it was kinda after when like, everything had happened..uhm we were kind of just laying there and i dont know i just kind of expected him to hug me or i dont know do something i guess but he just got up and left.'

Shinobu would give a slight laugh.

Shinobu-'Im sorry, its not funny and it shouldnt be funny but its just such a Sanemi thing to do that's actually, wow.'

Uzui-'Motherfucker, he did not— oh my gosh. After everything i taught him.'

Shinobu-'So what your saying is, Sanemi didnt give you aftercare? like y'all didnt do anything?'

Giyu-'Well no i guess i mean he kissed me a lot and all that it just felt like something was missing afterwards.'

Uzui was deep in thought but he quickly snapped out of it.Shinobu was in shock.

Uzui-'Excuse me for a second.'

Giyu-'Where are you going?'

Uzui-'To have some words with your so called 'boyfriend' because what the fuck is going on here.'

Shinobu-'Yeah, and while he's doing that, listen Tomioka i never want to have this conversation ever fucking again but listen to me, whenever your done doing something inanimate with your partner there should always be a little something we call aftercare and i dont really know what y'all are like and i really dont care but sometimes its hugs or even just holding each other or taking a shower together which you really should've done or like a bath or something.Talk a little bit i dont know because if you dont then you both feel like shit and hes probably in the same position right now.'


Shinobu-'I will now proceed to leave this conversation.'

Shinobu would walk away and leave Giyu in shock as he just stood there confused. Meanwhile with Uzui and Sanemi...

Uzui-'Hey!!! Asshole what are you doing?!'

Sanemi-'Tengen, im really not in the mood for your bullshit right now.'

Uzui-'Funny because i should be the one saying that!!! Actually Giyu should be the one saying that.'

Sanemi-'What?— what are you talking about?..'

Uzui-'Ive just come back from a conversation withh Giyu and Shinobu and i'll give you 10 seconds to explain to me why there was no aftercare?'

Sanemi-'uhh.. well—'

Uzui-'Mhm? ill wait.'

Sanemi-'Its just— i dont know i mean we had a great time and all when we were just laying there i didnt know what to do or say?'

Tengen just stood there for a few seconds 'how can someone be this oblivious' he thought, Sanemi stood there clueless.

Uzui-'Okay well im sure Shinobu is telling Giyu everything right now, so im going to give you a quick lesson right now even though ive probably already told you this but you forgot so listen the fuck up'

Sanemi-'Uh.. yeah okay.'

Uzui-'Was doing.. 'it' fun did you guys have a good time did you enjoy yourselves?'

Sanemi-'Uh well yeah of course we did, it was really good actually—'

Uzui-'Well i dont need to hear all the details, but it was special right because you told me it was both of your first times?'

Sanemi-'Uh.. yeah?'

Uzui-'So.. common sense (something you dont have) is that after you've done it with some one you check up on them, not just during but after like usually cuddling , holding hands or even just talking j dont know just to let them know that it was a good experience or whatever. I mean you didnt even shower or bathe with him i mean cmon that was the perfect time man!!'

Sanemi-'Yeah.. i really messed up on that one..'

Uzui-'Mhhmmm yup , you fumbled i mean if i did that to one of my wives the absolute HELL that would rain down on me.'

Sanemi-'Yeah i know he's probably upset about it but i just dont know how to talk to him about it?'

Uzui-'Well now is the perfect time and because you are going to walk over there and have the fucking conversation.'


Sanemi would get up feeling ashamed about himself and ready to apologise to Giyu, although he had to find him first Sanemi was probably going to punch Uzui later for how he talked to him but that can wait.

He would find Giyu sitting sitting down and leaning his back against the blossom tree (his back hurts because of last night if ykykyk).



They would both sit there for a few seconds until Sanemi broke the silence.

Sanemi-'So im pretty sure Shinobu told you everything?'

Giyu-'Yeah well she explained some things to me..'

Sanemi-'So you had a talking too aswell huh? Yeah Tengen gave me an ear-full'

Giyu-'Oh so from now on, ill make more of an effort too uh.. tell you what i want when it comes to after.. care?.'

Sanemi-'Wanna tell me now?'

Giyu-'I mean.. we dont always have to talk but i'd appreciate it you could hold me a bit afterwards and if we could take a bath together after?'

Sanemi-'That sounds.. really nice and we can absolutely do all of that.'

Giyu-'Yeah like.. now?.'

Sanemi-'oo- .. bet.'

I'll probably make a part 2 to this and omfg im loving the comments yall ilysm 😭😭💌

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