Car ride home 💞

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This story has fluff and is based in modern au.

(giyuu would still be asleep it is 11 in the morning and wake up to the sound of sanemi calling him)

Giyuu pov:

(he would answer the phone in his sleepy voice)

Giyuu: Hello?..
Sanemi: GIYUU.
Giyuu: Sanemi?..
Giyuu: *in a whiny voice* cant you get some one else to do it.
Sanemi: I already asked you yesterday idiot but i see you forgot , i wont take no for an answer be here in an hour.
Giyuu: Fine.

(Sanemi would hang up the phone, Giyuu got out of bed and got dressed, he was wearing grey joggers and a black t-shirt , he quickly put his hair into a low ponytail as always, it was the only hairstyle he knew how to do , he went into his car and started driving towards the airport, he finally arrived and saw sanemi waiting angrily)

Giyuu:Sanemi, sorry i for-
*sanemi would cut him off*
Sanemi: i forgive you.
*Sanemi would cut him off again*
Sanemi:Lets go, idiot.

(They would get into the car, Sanemi looked angry and giyuu could sense that he was mad. They got into the car and they fought a bit over who had to drive but giyuu ended up driving as payback for forgetting to pick sanemi up)

Giyuu:So how was the trip?
Sanemi: It was boring, the hotel was alright though.

(Giyuu would get angry over traffic)


(Sanemi would giggle a bit and put his hand on giyuus inner thigh, Giyuu would blush a little but stay quiet, sanemi would move his hand up towards his "area")

Giyuu- Sanemi..w-what are you-
Sanemi: Be quiet Giyuu, some one might here you.

(he would start to take off Giyuu's pants and rub Giyuu's cock with his boxers still on.)

Giyuu: S-sanemi.. stop, im driving.

*Sanemi ignores Giyuu and takes off giyuus boxers and starts to stroke giyuus cock*

Giyuu: Ahh~ w-what if some one see's..
Sanemi: Then let them, think of it as punishment for forgetting about me.
Giyuu: Mfh~ s-sanemi stop, your d-distracting.. AHH~

(Sanemi would start to grind his hand against Giyuus cock faster)

Sanemi: Are you sure you want me to stop tomioka? Your cock says otherwise~
Giyuu: *whimpering* Mmh~ S-shut up.
Sanemi: So needy giyuu~

(Giyuu loses focus on the road and puts his head on the steering wheel, continuing to whimper but slowly turn into loud moans while sanemi strokes Giyuus cock faster.)

Sanemi:Eyes on the road now, there are better days to die from a car crash~
Giyuu:Ahh~.. S-Sanemi.. i-i'm gonna-
Sanemi: Stay quiet now, you don't want anyone to hear you ~

(Giyuu tries to stay quiet and focus on the road, his moans start to get louder as he comes closer to his climax)

Giyuu: A-AHH~

(Giyuu would put his hand over his mouth but keep his left hand on the steering wheel struggling to keep driving.)

Giyuu: Mhf~
Sanemi: That's a good boy~

(Giyuu grabs onto the wheel tightly with his left hand as he finally cums)

Giyuu: AHHH~
Sanemi: shh~ You've made quite a mess here giyuu..
Giyuu:I h-hate you..

(Sanemi would laugh at giyuu's flustered face, it weirdly turns him on)

Sanemi:We'll get you cleaned up when we to my home, we're only 5 minutes away even though we almost died~
Giyuu:I blame you.

(Sanemi would laugh, they finally arrive home, giyuu is angry, very angry. Sanemi unlocks the door and closes it he looks over at giyuu who is by his side, his head is down and sanemi wonders if he is that angry, in fact he is.)

*giyuu would hit sanemi's stomach*


*he would hit sanemi's stomach again*

Sanemi: GIYUU-

*he would hit sanemi's stomach again,
and again, and again, and again so much that there is now a red mark on his stomach*

Giyuu:Never. Do. That. Again.
Sanemi: Oh but it was so much fun giyuu?~ Why did you not like it~

(he would say that in a jokingly way)

Giyuu- no.

(Sanemi would lift giyuu's head up by his chin with a smile on his face, giyuu would angrily blush)

Sanemi: You're cock reacted otherwise tomioka~
Giyuu: Im going to bed.
Sanemi: May i join y-

(giyuu would cut him off)

Giyuu: no.

(Sanemi chuckles a bit while giyuu tiredly walks off to go back to bed)

Sanemi: Okayyy~

(Sanemi goes to make food for the both of them while giyuu falls asleep in his boxers in sanemi's bed, he thinks of it as karma from the car incident, after the food is ready sanemi brings it too his room to find giyuu asleep in his bed, he smiles at him and blushes a bit, "how can a man be this perfect" he thought to himself, he shook those thoughts away and woke giyuu up, he assumes he hasn't eaten all day.)

Sanemi: Giyuu, you need to eat before you go back to sleep.

(Giyuu turns to face the wall)

Giyuu: I will later.
Sanemi: Hm..alright then..

(Sanemi gets undressed and giyuu quickly sits up and turns around)

Giyuu: Im not going to do anything if thats what your getting at.
Sanemi:I'm not getting at anything, i just want to feel you.

(Giyuu looks shocked as sanemi strips into his boxers and sits on the bed)

Sanemi: Why's the face? no need to look so shocked.
Giyuu:Nothing, you just never cease to surprise me.
Sanemi: Yeah yeah , now move over

(giyuu turns to face the wall again and sanemi big spoons him they both fall asleep, giyuu chooses to forgive sanemi he loved him too much to stay angry.)

I can make a part two if you want , or i can make a new one shot.

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