Aftercare p2

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No bc yall are what keeps me writing i stg😭😭
Anyway here loves<33

Giyu and Sanemi got up and started walking towards the Wind Estate.
(Kind of speed walking if ykyk)

20 Minutes later they had arrived at his estate , Sanemi opened the door and then closed it making sure his lover was inside.

Sanemi aggressively kissed Giyu pinning him against the wall, the latter had accepted Sanemis kiss and pulled back panting for air after a few seconds.

Sanemis hand made his way up Giyus uniform shirt and started to play and tease with his nipples making him whine.Sanemi left a few lovebites on Giyus neck and collar bone and then removing his haori and shirt twisting and licking his nipples again.The white haired male's hand made his way towards Giyus cock where his uniform trousers were still on and started to rub making Giyu whimper.

"You sure are exited arent you?~" Sanemi whispered into Giyus ear then giving it a lick.

"Shh..ut up..~" Giyu struggled between words as Sanemi kissed him again.

He broke the kiss and picked Giyu up bridal style and carrying him to the Sanemis bedroom, he threw the latter onto the bed and pinned him down, both of his hands were above his head being held down by only one hand of Sanemis, his other hands undoing his uniform trousers.

Once he had fully disposed of the raven haired mans clothes leaving only his boxers he started to undress himself (very quickly;)).
He lifted up both of Giyus legs spreading them and lining two of his fingers towards his entrance.
"You can take two right Tomioka?~" Sanemi said while still pining him down.
"Mhm.." Giyu whined, he knew what he had coming to him.

Sanemi shoved both of his fingers inside of Giyu scissoring them round a bit trying to find his 'sweet spot', amazing how Sanemi could do this still pinning Giyus wrists to the bed.

"Im gonna put three in now okay love?~" Sanemi whispered as he brung his two other fingers out of Giyu and started licking three of his fingers.

"J-just put it in..~ Giyu whined, Sanemi was shocked but unsurprisingly turned on, he loved the fact that Giyu wanted him. No. Needed him.

"As you wish~" Sanemi shoved all of his cock inside Giyu getting the reaction out of him he wanted.
"ga..hah~" Giyu whimpered , both of his legs were in the air and Sanemi gave him a little time to adjust to his big cock.
"Im gonna start moving now, i just cant resist you anymore your so fucking hot~" Sanemi said whilst starting to move.
"a-ahh..~" Giyu whimpered, Sanemi would start to grunt and move in and out faster .
"You're so fucking tight Tomioka..~" Sanemi would whisper and Giyus walls would clamp around Sanemis cock as he went in and out getting faster and harder by the second.

Sanemi would flip Giyu around and go faster from behind.
"mf..hg~" Giyu whined as he buried his face into the pillow.
Sanemi would come closer behind Giyu and whisper in his ear.
"Let your voice out Giyu..~" Sanemi would started to grind his hand against Giyus cock going harder, he flipped the latter around again so he could see Giyus face he still had his face buried in the pillow, he brung his cock out of Giyu and started moving his hand up and down the raven haired males shaft faster.
"Giyu.. let me see your face~" Sanemi said has he put his thumb at the top of Giyus cock and started to rub.
"Ha..~ n..o~" Giyu whimpered as Sanemi started edging Giyu.
"S-Sanemi.. hgnh~ pl..ease~" Giyu kept whimpering.
"Take away the pillow Giyu..~" Sanemi said edging Giyu as he was about to cum. Giyu removed the pillow from. his face, tears were rolling down his eyes and drool was coming out his mouth.

"Good boy~" Sanemi rammed his cock inside of Giyu hitting his sweet spot every time he went in making Giyus cry out of pleasure.
"I..Im close.. hahh~" Giyu whined as Sanemi started going faster and harder looking at Giyus face.
"Hold it in Giyu..~" Sanemi said as his hand made its way to Giyus cock grinding against it.Sanemis grunts would started to get louder and Giyus back would arch out of pleasure, his whimpers turned Sanemi on making him go faster and harder in and out the latter but Giyu couldnt help it, the white haired male knew what he was doing.

"A..AHH~" Giyu cried as he came, Sanemi would cum inside of Giyu and collapse on top of him.They both laid there for a few minutes catching there breath.
"Get ready , were going again" Sanemi would say lifting Giyu up onto his lap.
"Again?!" Giyu would say in shock.
"Yup" Sanemi would smile, Giyu couldnt say no to him.

After around 4 rounds they two of them where both out of breath.Sanemi would give Giyu a piggy back towards the bathroom where there was a warm bath ready for them.Giyu smiled as Sanemi placed him down in the water and got in after him.
Giyu would lean the back of his head onto Sanemis chest and fall asleep, Sanemi smiled and kissed Giyus forehead.There was only a few people Sanemi had cared about as much as Giyu, he loved this man to bits.

After they were done washing (Giyu asleep through most of it) Sanemi placed Giyu onto the bed after they had dried off and he fell sleep instantly.
Seeing Giyu sleep gave Sanemi those warm fuzzie feelings which he really hated so he just fell asleep big spooning Giyu.

Im like half way through a different story which im currently working on so it shouldnt be too long until i publish another one.
But i love you all sm<333

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