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            The group walked down the hill to discover that the so called "City of Light" was just a field of solar panels next to the sea, and what a disappointment it was. "What a joke," Murphy stated looking up at the solar panels.

            He had yet to notice Eve, but when her head tilted back he looked down. Eve's eyes were shut, mouth closed, and she felt completely limp; her lips had a blue tint to them. "Oh my god," Murphy panicked, and he began to touch Eve's face, "Eve open your eyes. Open your eyes, I swear to god!"

            She squirmed and murmured to Murphy probably telling him to shut up, but it didn't matter to him. That was too close.

            Murphy breathed hard and saw that everyone was staring at him. "Well, what are you looking at?" He snapped.

            "She's just sleeping, John," Jaha stated.

            Craig walked up to Murphy and said, "Let me take her."

            Murphy backed up and spat, "Like hell you will."

            There was a tense silence, and Jaha looked around flustered, "It doesn't make any sense. The rest of the world is broken, but these panels are intact."

            Murphy snapped, "Well, we can fix that." He bent down, picked up a large stone, and chucked it at one of the panels.

            "John," Jaha said annoyed, but to everyone's surprise a large drone came off of the solar panel tower and began to hover towards them.

            "What the hell is that?" Murphy asked concernedly.

            Jaha said, "It's a drone. Don't lose sight of it." The drone began to fly towards the ocean, and all of the men began to run after it like children.

            At the edge of the water was an old boat, and it seemed like it had been placed there for them by fate or destiny. The drone flew out onto the open ocean, and Murphy asked confusedly, "Where's it going?"

            "I don't know," Jaha said confidently as he ran to the boat, "But we're going to follow it. In this."

            Murphy asked sarcastically, "Tell me, what level of crazy is too much for you? I'm just curious."

            Jaha stared back at the three men and one sleeping women, and he explained, "We need a boat  . . . and a boat appears. This is our destiny. The City of Light is out there and we are going to find it. Now, get in the boat."

            Everyone filed in the boat, and they set out for sea.


            When I had woken up from what I could only describe as "looking into the eyes of death" we were in a boat, and to make things even more interesting we were in the middle of the dark ocean. Murphy held me tight to his chest, but he was nuzzling my head with his.

            I touched my hand onto his, and Murphy jolted awake. "Hi," I greeted softly.

            "Welcome to the world of the living," Murphy smirked using my own line.

            I laughed, "I already said that," and my expression changed to grim, "We didn't find the City of Light, did we?"

            "We'll find it," Jaha said confidently, "I know we're close; I can feel it."

Descendants of Kane (probably won't update anymore, stopped watching)Where stories live. Discover now