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Eddie x Steve
Stranger Things
Nonbinary, Gay, Pansexual

Words: 1134

Eddie had climbed onto the roof of their trailer and were now lying there - more naked than dressed - stretched out in the sun. A mix tape Steve had made for them was blasting through their headphones. 

Seeing movement in the corner of their eye, they sat up and immediately their long hair fell back over their shoulders.

Their boyfriend Steve was coming towards the trailer. He raised both arms and waved at Eddie. Eddie wrapped their headphones and tape in their towel and tossed it to Steve. Then they climbed off the roof.

Steve came up to them and kissed them, grinning. "Hey, Eds. You're wearing.... no shirt. Or underwear." "I am very much wearing underwear. Can't you see my boxers?" Eddie pointed to the red elastic waistband of their boxers, which could be seen over the waistband of their short sweatpants.

"No, I can see very well that you are wearing boxers. I mean that you are holding your boobs in my face. Not that it really bothers me." Steve looked down at his partner's chest for a brief moment, then put his hands on their hips and pulled them to him. Smiling, he gave them a kiss.

"Well, I was warm, so I didn't want to wear my binder. And I'm out of Transtape so I just went for the Free The Nipples version." Steve smirked and kissed Eddie urgently.

"Are you dysphoric?" he asked lovingly, stroking through his partner's hair, along their neck, down their spine. He wrapped his arm around Eddie's back and pulled them even closer so that no sheet of paper could fit between them.

"No. Actually, I'm very well." Eddie smiled, looking down at themselves, "Most of the time they don't even bother me. The fact that my boobs are quite small means they're barely visible once I stretch."

Steve smiled. He was glad that Eddie was comfortable in their body. He didn't want them to die of gender dysphoria. So he was always happy when his partner had moments when they were comfortable with walking around topless.

"Okay. Now say 'Thank you Steve, oh you love of my life, man of my dreams, destiny of my life, treasure of my heart, my dearest eye candy, you are the most perfect boyfriend in the world and I am so lucky to have you'." grinned Steve.

Eddie raised an eyebrow, "Not to mention that I've pretty much forgotten everything you said: Why would I say that?" Steve reached into his backpack and pulled out a package, "On the way here I stopped by the post office and picked up your Transtape order. And I brought a horror movie series from Family Video that we can watch all night while eating too much popcorn, which I also brought."

Eddie grinned, "Thank you, love of my life, eye candy something... I don't remember. But I am very lucky to have you, you are the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for." They reached up to Steve and gave him a loving kiss.

"How long were you lying up there in the sun? You're sweaty." Steve noted, slightly disgusted. "You can come and shower with me." Eddie grinned and walked towards the trailer door. They opened it and disappeared, casting a quick glance over their shoulder. As they did so, they grinned innocently at their boyfriend.

Steve seemed to need a moment to realise that Eddie was really serious. Then he stumbled after them.

Eddie was already in the bathroom, and Steve saw them stripping off their shorts. He started pulling at his clothes to get them off and managed to do so after getting caught in his shirt probably five times.

Eddie pulled him close and began to kiss him urgently. Together they squeezed into the tiny shower, still kissing.


Eddie managed very elegantly to fall off the couch, getting caught in the blanket in which Steve and they were snuggled and pulling them both off the couch.

"Ow..." complained Steve, who was still asleep and had just been woken up by hitting his head on the floor.

Eddie knelt down next to him on the floor and gave him a kiss, "Good morning, Baby. I have to go to band practice. You can go back to sleep-" "No, no, no! I'm awake! I'm coming with you."

Steve picked himself up, swayed a little on his first steps, and then decided that he definitely wanted to go, but was not yet ready for the world that waited outside this trailer. So he just let himself fall into Eddie's arms and closed his eyes again.

He buried his nose in the fabric of the jumper Eddie had stolen from him and was pleased to find that it had taken on a mixture of the smell of himself and Eddie. It just smelled like them and Steve loved it.

Eddie hugged their boyfriend and kissed him on the hair. "Will you help me stick on the Transtape?" asked Eddie quietly. Steve nodded excitedly.

He picked up the packet containing the new tape. Steve had taped Eddie's breasts before, so he knew how to cut it.

Eddie pulled the shirt over their head and then held their long hair out of the way so Steve could tape the Transtape on.

Then they started to get dressed. Just before they were about to leave the trailer, Eddie looked at themselves in the mirror again. Steve watched in love as Eddie wove through their fringes and stroked their chest with both hands.

Then they began to bounce up and down and gave a squeak as they clapped their hands.

Steve had to laugh. Eddie was just too cute when they were experiencing gender euphoria. 

Eddie shook their head - still bouncing - so that their long hair flew through the air.

"I love you." said Steve happily. "I love you too." replied Eddie excitedly. They jumped to Steve, hugged him fiercely and kissed him.

"Come on, love." the older man grinned, took his partner's hand and they left the trailer together.


"Hey, man!" One of Eddie's bandmates exclaimed, then stared at Eddie for a moment. "Hey... person?" he then asked cautiously. Eddie had to laugh and got up on stage, "Man is alright, just don't call me a girl."

Eddie chimed in with their band mates and then hung their guitar around their neck. "I see you brought Steve with you," another noted.

Steve gave a friendly wave while Eddie grinned.

The others sighed, "Think you can get through a band practice once without sticking your tongue down his throat on stage?" Eddie looked at Steve for a moment, brushed their hair out of their face and then shook their head with a grin, "No, don't get your hopes up there." 

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