No more hiding

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Wilhelm x Simon
Young Royals

⚠️Season 2 Spoilers

Wörter: 1322

„I am too, I'm scared as well." Wilhelm falls silent for a moment, looking at the confused face of his mother, listening to the clicking sound of the cameras. „But that ends now."

His breath shakes for a moment. He can still turn back to the original speech. If he does this now he can never take it back again, Wilhelm knows that. But it also means his family won't be able to take it back, forcing him to be quite no longer.

„It was me in that video, that leaked last term." he clears his throat. „That one with me and Simon. It was a... uhm a moment I didn't want to share with anybody else so I lied about it. But it was me."

Turning around to face Simon, Wilhelm smiles proudly. He had been so nervous about it and honestly he hadn't had known if he would be brave enough to really do it. But here he was and he regretted nothing.

Simon couldn't believe it. He had agreed to be Wilhelm's secret, to do it under his conditions because in the end all he wanted was him, in every way possible. He was proud of Wilhelm, quite overwhelmed by this sudden change of events, but most importantly did he love him. He loved him so deeply and if he hadn't been a hundred percent sure about their future, he was now.

Simon pushed through the few people in front of him, running into Wilhelm's arms. Holding onto him as if his life depended on it, tearing up.

„Oh my god...Wille. You did it." Simons voice was barely a whisper and yet the mic picked it up, making their conversation audible for everyone. „Yes, I guess I did." laughed Wilhelm, still not quite believing his own actions.

„Get them off the podium! Stop that!" the queen shouted.

But Simon and Wilhelm ignored her, kissing each other passionately in front of everybody, being happier than ever.

Completely lost in one another, forgetting all of their surroundings, they stood there, sharing the kiss of their lifes. That's until multiple guards stepped up to them, forcing them apart.

„Don't touch me! I'm the crown prince!"

But neither Wilhelms vocal protest nor Simons physical protest were successful. And even though the majority of the students started to loudly complain, the guards strictly followed the queen's commands and separated the boys, keeping Simon hostile while shoving Wilhelm into his room.

The crown prince screamed Simons name, begged his mom to stop but lost in vain. The whole school stared after him, getting carried away, while tears stream down his face.



Never before had Wilhelm heard his mother scream at him like that. Usually the queen tried to stay rather calm. It was very important to her to control her emotions but right now she couldn't hold herself back.

Wilhelm just sat on his bed, nervously flexing and clenching his fingers. He had known that his actions would come with consequences and nothing his mother said would ever make him regret his speech. He didn't want to hide anymore, pretend like he was ashamed of loving Simon, of loving a boy.

This was him and if his nation couldn't accept his sexuality, he couldn't accept becoming their king.

„Are you even listening to me?!" „Mom," Wilhelm sighed, resting his head in his hands. „Nothing you say or do will ever make me hide again." „YOU'VE RUINED THE REPUTATION OF OUR WHOLE FAMILY!" „Do you really believe I'm not scared? It was already hard with all those rumours! But I love him. I love him mom and I'm tired of pretending I don't!"


Simon was sickly worried about Wilhelm. He himself hadn't received any punishment, just send home. But that was bad enough. However, he knew that Wilhelm would not just get away with alone time in his room.

It's been two days, Simon hadn't left his room since, burring himself deeply into Wilhelms sweater. The prince hadn't replied to any of Simon's messages or phone calls but he assumed that Wilhelm was really just not allowed to have access to his phone at all.

This wasn't fair. None of it was.


Eventually his mother had given up and Wilhelm was left alone. He was still strictly guarded, not allowed to see anybody before the crown had decided how to handle the situation.

He laid in his bed, hugging himself, music blasting through his headphones in a desperate attempt to keep his mind silent. But while he was so alone at night, self-doubt started to take over him. Tears running down his face, his hands shaking, barely being able to even breath, Wilhelm screamed into his pillow.

He couldn't do this any longer. Not like this. He needed Simon, needed his warm hands, soft touch, comforting voice.

And so he did what seemed like his only option: climbing out of his window, running through the dark towards Simon's home.


A knock on the door, not more and if Simon had been asleep he would never have noticed it. Confused he got up and walked to the front door. It was two in the morning, who the heck would knock on his door at this time?

As he opened it he couldn't believe his own eyes. „Wille-?" „Hey..." Wilhelm sounded so drained and sad it almost broke Simon's heart. „Oh my god, come in. You're only wearing boxers, a shirt and shoes. Did you run away?" A soft nod in response. Wilhelm felt like talking was too much, like it could break him.

Simon immediately took the crown prince's hand, leading him to his room, handing him clothes. „You must be freezing!" Wilhelm didn't answer but Simon knew he was right. „Wrap yourself in my blanket, I'm going to bring you a hot chocolate. I'll be right back, I promise."

Wilhelm just watched him silently the whole time, accepting the cup with shaking hands. After taking a sip he put the cup away, letting himself fall tiredly against Simon's chest.

„Shhhh, it's going to be okay. I'm here, I'm right here."

Simon hold Wilhelm firmly, one hand moving slowly through his hair, the other one drawing small circles on his back. He didn't try to talk to Wilhelm, allowing him to get well needed sleep and silent comfort.

When Wilhelm woke up a couple hours later he was still in Simon's lap. Simon's head rested against the wall, his arms now loosely holding onto Wilhelm. It made him smile, seeing that Simon did not let go of him for the matter of sleep. And for the first time in a long while he felt safe.

Wilhelm was well aware that the crown would sooner or later show up. It wasn't like it wouldn't be quite obvious where he would hide. But he wouldn't let anyone separate them this time. He would stay, he would fight, until he would get an arrangement where he could spent a safe future with Simon. He would even let August become king for that sake. He would do anything.

„Hey." Caught off guard Wilhelm looked up to Simon. Wilhelm didn't answer and just kissed the boy instead. „I love you so much." he whimpered against Simons lips. „I love you too."

They shared a few kisses, before Simon embraced him in a tight hug. Wilhelm wanted it to never end again, so he clinged onto his boyfriend desperately. And for a moment it felt like it would maybe even never end again.

„It's going to be okay. We'll figure things out. We'll fight for it."

And yes, Simon was right, they would and things would turn out fine. But for right now Wilhelm didn't want to fight, he just wanted to stay exactly like this, pressed against Simon's chest, a soft voice assuring him, and warm hands moving trough his hair and up and down his spine.

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