In the name of love (Prompt-Writing 1/2)

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Wylan Van Eck x Jesper Fahey
Six of Crows
Gay, Bisexual

Mein Partner @idcishipit06 und ich hatten eine kleine "Challenge". Wir haben uns zusammen die Prompts "Needs a Hug" und "Couples that would kill for eachother" gewählt und jeder hatte freie Wahl bei Ship, Fandom und Auslegung der Prompts. Dieser OS ist von mir, der folgende von meinem Partner. Ich hoffe, ihr habt Spaß daran :)

Words: 2413

Kaz grabbed Wylan by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall, pressing his own body against the cold stone. Wylan held his breath in panic. He looked at Kaz, trying to hold back the storm of questions that started to form in his head.

Kaz would get mad if he started talking now. He wasn't allowed to get them caught. It was dangerous, he knew that. But at the same time, he nearly didn't care about that.

The questions were burning on his tongue and he was starting to feel like he was going to vomit. Kaz was barely breathing himself. He had his head turned to the side, watching the hallway, listening to the steps of the guards. Again and again he told himself that it was going to be okay, trying to form a new plan in his mind.

He hated admitting it but that was not how it was supposed to go. And the stinging feeling of Wylan's gaze in his back didn't make it better. He couldn't believe that they had messed up the plan. And still, he was somehow not sure how it had happened. When it had happened.

But worst of all, he had no idea where Jesper was. And he was scared that Wylan would ask him. That Kaz did not have an answer would make him panic. And Kaz could understand him.

"He's okay." he told himself. But he didn't say it out loud. He couldn't risk it. And at the same time, he didn't want to tell Wylan something he didn't know for sure was true. "Kaz..." he heard Wylan say behind him. He could feel himself swallow. Then he slowly turned his head to the boy. "What?" he asked. Wylan bit his lower lip.

"I'm scared. And I'm worried about Jes. Where is he?" "It's gonna be fine." Kaz answered, putting his hand on Wylan's shoulder for a moment. He didn't answer the question. Of course, he was a liar and a thief and generally a horrible person. But he didn't want to lie to Wylan.

Quickly, he turned back around. He didn't wanna watch how tears formed in the eyes of the younger boy. He was scared too. And he wished he had taken Inej to this. But Inej was not even in Ketterdam anymore. She had left a while ago, was a captain now.

Till now that had been fine. But he could really use his wraith now. Then he would at least know that Jesper wasn't alone.

He could feel Wylan violently flinch next to him, when a shot echoed through the entire building. Then another one.

Kaz pressed his hand onto Wylan's mouth to keep him from screaming, pulling him closer to himself. Wylan's eyes felt with tears even more and he grabbed Kaz' sleeve, holding onto it tightly. Kaz could feel him shaking in his grip.

Another shot.

It came too slow. The first ones sounded like they were from Jesper's guns. Kaz knew the sound from Jesper's guns very well. And the last shot was not from him.

"Shoot..." he mumbled, his voice so unclear that Wylan could not understand him, "Shoot, Jes. Come on..."

In the end, this was nothing than Kaz begging Jesper to be alive. He couldn't lose another brother. He couldn't be the one seeing Wylan lose the love of his life. He wouldn't be. He wouldn't be the one to lose a second brother. He wouldn't be the one that had to watch Wylan lose his boyfriend.

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