"Just say stop."

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Victor Vale x Eliot Cardale
Gay, Asexual

This OS is written by idcishipit06 Please someone tell them how amazing they write?!

Words: 850

Victor Vale, the boy who had always observed everyone his whole life. Who had studied every single emotion since ever. Who knew Eli's emotions better then Elliot did himself. The boy who grew up with parents that write self-help books. He, the one who should understand more then anyone else, was completely lost when Eli had sunk down in a crouch infront of him in the chair. 

Like every Saturday night they had been drinking in silence together in their shared dorm room. Eli liked to talk but Victor preferred to think so he appreciated their moments of shared silence a lot. But today had been different. 

"You know, I don't love Angie." Eli had suddenly broke the silence. Victor had been so caught off guard that he had just stared at his best and only friend. 

"I like her, yes but-" he stared into his glass not daring to look at Victor's cold eyes. "I came to the realisation that I do not like her the same way I like you." When Eli had finished his sentence it had barely been a whisper and even though Victor should have understood the situation, should have known what his roommate wanted from him, he did not. 

"Seeing you almost die... It made me think, you know." 

For a moment silence broke down between the two boys again. Eli not daring to speak. Victor not understanding. 


He should get them. He studied them. He knew everything there was to learn. He had memorised every little detail about Eli. He knew when he lied, when he was happy, sad, when he was worried. He knew. He understood. 

But right now Victor Vale did not understand. 

So when Eli crossed to room sinking down in a crouch right before Victor his whole world seemed to come to a stop. 

He gripped his glass thigthly, fearing it might break but not bringing himself to stop. 

"Have you ever had your first kiss?" 

Victor swallowed hard. He knew his friend was highly popular among girls and guys. He have had couple of shortish relationships, handful of hookups. But Victor? Victor was different. It wasn't his looks. His almost unnatural seeming blond hair stood out, his sharp features attracting both, girls and guys. He knew a couple of people that would pounce on him the second he would let them. But Victor had never felt that way about it. He never had wanted it. He knew for him sex and love felt different than it did for Eli, then it did for most people. He knew there were words to phrase that, identities to put on it, but he had never looked it up, too scared of becoming unlovable. Because like this it felt like he could have the world, he just decided against it. But otherwise he may be out of control and could never have such things like love. 

"Eli-" his lips barely moved, his eyes closed with a painful force. "I'm not like that. I don't-"

"I know." It were two simple words. A simple phrase but spoken so gentle, with so much care it made Victor's eyes fly open immediately, looking right into Eli's eyes. "I know you don't like sex, Victor." "Oh." 

"But that wasn't my qouestion. Have you ever been kissed, Victor Vale?" 

Carefully, not sure what reaction to expect, Victor shook his head. He earned a soft smile in response. 

"Well, would you mind giving me the honor to change that?" Eli was close, one hand rested on Victor's knee so that he wouldn't loose his balance, but still a bit distance too make sure to not scare Victor away. Even though Victor would never admit that himself - since he called himself an expert on emotions and human behaviour, studying it all the time -, Eli knew that Victor was quite sensitive when he was confronted with emotions. 

"Just say stop." And with that Eli slowly rose his hand up on Victor's cheek, slowly stroking it, before placing his hand in his neck. With that he waited, for permission to continue or a sign to stop. 

"Don't..." Victor took a deep breath and catchend Eli's hand as he was pulling it away. "Don't stop." 

And so Eli didn't stop. He didn't stop stroking Victor's cheek, who leaned cravingly into the touch. He didn't stop when he moved his other hand to intertwin with Victor's hand. And he certainly didn't stop when he placed his lips on top of Victor's and carefully kissed him. 

It wasn't a long kiss and definitely nothing sexual. A short, soft kiss, filled with pure affection. 

Eli pulled away, careful not to overwhelm Victor, waiting if he liked the kiss or would draw the line at smaller acts of affection like holding hands and stroking his cheek.

But Victor didn't say stop, Victor didn't tell Eli that he wasn't comfortable with kissing. Instead Victor leaned forward and kissed Eli again. Longer, a bit sloppy, but full of love, fear and the desperate craving of affection. 

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