Chapter 20

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Author pov

New don't know what to do now Tay who denied their relationship a few days ago is now announcing it everywhere, the announcement went like a fire to everyone. Everywhere it's their news people were congratulating them, since New's IG is private he didn't get much of notifications but it was opposite to Tay his phone kept on vibrating from time to time this annoyed

"why are people making so much fuss about this, I just got married I didn't murder anyone" Tay said since last night of his sudden announcement his condition is like this, "It's people's work, my love, after all, it's not a small matter you are a Vihokartana" His mom said feeling a bit pitty on her son.

"Who told you to announce out of nowhere you could have at least told us we would have helped but no you want to do your own," Said his dad even though he was annoyed a bit, because of his son's sudden announcement he too was getting to much of calls the whole night.

New couldn't do anything but smile at them this was something new he witnessed at the dining table. "Well, I just I just felt yes I've fallen for him so I better announce so that no one will try to date him," Tay said suddenly in return New chocked his juice and Mrs V patted his head, "whatever it is I'm proud of you my son yesterday was indeed great," Mr V said feeling proud of his son, in that very table there was another couple.

"Didn't I tell you off my p will fall first and he did now you have to take me for shopping I'll buy whatever I want and you pay," Gun said giggle a bit loud than usual and gained the attention of everyone there.

"What is going on there between the two of you, I don't want any lies," Tay said looking at his friend and cousin and the two of them looked at him. "Well p you see off and me we had made a bet on the two of you who will fall first and I won now he has to take me out for shopping," Gun said proudly looking at his brother which annoyed the said person "Should I make a bet on you as well Gun that when you will get married to hi,m," Tay said annoyingly at the two who were giggling "piiiiiii that does not fare" gun complained and everyone laughed.

After a while both TayNew left home but this day was different that old tension was not in between them the two of them giggled to each other more today.

"I'm sorry New I think I shouldn't have denied our wedding on that day" Tay suddenly said when they were on the way to hospital, Tay wanted to tell this from yesterday but he couldn't since one or the other used to come to them to talk and late night New was tired and fell asleep before Tay could talk to him.

New looked at him and smiled "No Te don't apologize everything was all sudden for your self too I understand it doesn't matter now what matters is now we are together" New said "No New you actually deserve more than this and I was a fool to not to see it but from now your happiness is mine" Tay said looking straight in his eyes, one hand on the wheel and other one he clasped New's hand interlocking their fingers at first New was stunned because Tay didn't do things like this and now he is doing it he was happy and confused, this is the new side of Tay which New had never seen. So was Tay he was confused with what he is doing but he loved it, he was not knowing he have something like this too 'New what are you doing with me' he thought looking at New's adorable smile.

TayNew were in their own world that they didn't see someone came in front of their car if Tay didn't see it and stopped the car the person would be dead by now, and for New he don't know what happened everything happened in a second he looked at Tay in fear "Shh don't panic, nothing would have happened I'll go and check" Tay said seeing New's panic face. But New didn't let go of his hand, "No Te don't leave me" He said in the end both TayNew came out of the car to see what happened.

It was a women who was unconsciously fallen on the ground she got hurt in her head, maybe because she banged her head on their car. The couple looked at each other "Te wha.... What are we going to do? " New said he was very scared but one thing is since that area was full of forest many people didn't go there so when this accident happened people didn't gathered "Let's take her to hospital she is hurt because of us" Tay said looking around to see if they can get any help but in vain, both TayNew took her to their hospital, but something was off New dont know why he felt a bit uneasy seeing this women laying down in back seat he kept on checking at her until they reached the hospital.

On the other side Namtan was still burning in anger when she checked her phone it was all about TayNew everyone was admiring them and this pissed her even more. Lina too didn't go to talk to her daughter since she was irritated that her plan failed she can't lose New, because he is very important to her. She was thinking of last night her daughter was broken she was angry and was throwing things everywhere in anger and completely broke down and this made her sad. Lina thought she have to continue with her plan but a bit modified one she planned to hit two birds with one stone, after a while, she decided to go and talk to Namtan since her kid is hurt and when she came to her room she saw all things scattered around Lina just sighed and went to her daughter "Namtan hey" She said but there was no reply from her "Namtan... Baby talk to mum" She tried again and slowly patted her head but Namtan slapped her hand away "Get away from me, I hate you it was YOU WHO HURT ME AND NOT THEM" She shouted at her mom, Lina looked confused she didn't have anything to say

"why? Huh! Why are you silent no reply so you agree you are the one who is causing me pain, I was ok when Tay got married I knew this will happen he will fall for New but no you said they won't and Tay will fall for me you got me false hopes mom I shouldn't have listened to you, you were wrong" Namtan said crying and Lina just sat still because she didn't have any answers to her daughter's statement "Maybe people are telling the truth step mom will always be stepmom" Namtan said crying and left her room leaving a stunned Lina, who felt like her daughter just slapped her on her face.

Namtan went to the hospital crying in the parking she didn't find Tay's car why would she today Tay might take leave with his beloved wife, thinking about them together made her sadder before going inside the hospital she felt like spending some time in the garden, she sat in a corner and was crying slowly after a while she saw someone offering handkerchief to her to wipe her tears she looked up to thank that person and realised who it was. "Kay... " She said and the latter smiled at her "Mind if I accompany you? " He said asking permission to sit next to her and she nodded her head.

There was a comfortable silence between the two of them but after a while "why are you here Kay" Namtan asked curious to know why he is here "well I was about to go inside I saw you crying that's why I came here" He said looking at the birds in front of them, Namtan looked at him surprised she was wondering was she crying that much? Kay turned towards her and said "No you weren't crying so many others to notice it's just that after that day I started to understand you" he said.

She remember that a few days ago when Tay was playing with Pluem and New she saw even Kay was looking at them, that was when she got the idea to destroy TayNew with his help but the latter said no to her he said that he knew something was going in between them and he doesn't want to be in between of them and even advised Namtan to stay away or else she would get hurt, but Namtan was angry at Kay, and as Kay said now she is here heartbroken " I knew something was in between them and when we met on Dr tin's party I was sure about their relationship" Kay said and this made Namtan sadder.

They were sitting there for a while Namtan was thinking something and Kay was looking at some hospital kids playing "Yea your right I should move on, and I have to just friend Tay" she said suddenly making Kay look at her suspiciously. She smiled at him and left from there "What are you planning Namtan" Kay said seeing her figure disappear.
Hello, Happy Tay day😺
A short and a quick update, I was a bit free idk when I'll update next, I wanted to update it yesterday but then I was busy and tired so I did it today. I've not proofread this chapter I'm sorry if I've made any mistakes 😅

Coming to the story what do you think Namtan is planning something or is she changing for real, that she realised her mistake and now she fought with her mom. And for the women who met with an accident with TayNew who is she 🙀 what do you guys think.

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